Minutes from Meetings Past

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 January 10

Welcome back everyone, and Happy New Year. Introductions of the Committee and Jim Markert to the membership. New members (we have 4) introduced themselves. Rule books, Case Books, and AIA Handbooks were distributed. Blue availability sheets were collected and turned in to Jim Markert. Current listings showing each members' rating, address, telephone numbers were circulated to be checked for accuracy. Attendance was taken.

The new shirt policy was discussed at entirely too much length. This year's official shirt will be the Kliff Keen powder blue pullover. (This is the only brand with red, white, and blue piping on the sleeves.) We have a choice of sewing the AIA patch onto the front pocket, or getting the emblem embroidered directly to the pocket. Embroidered shirts can be bought from Tim Cooper in Phoenix (TKO Supplies, Inc.; tkosupply@aol.com; phone 623-872-8338). Alternatively, you can take your shirts to be embroidered at Tucson Bowl. If you opt to go to Tucson Bowl, make sure they do a proper job: two colors (not one), and correct spelling of “Interscholastic”. Dale Wilson will arrange for Tim to visit us at a later date to take our orders. If seen, the t-shirt underneath must be navy.

The dark blue (navy) pullover is optional this year. If worn, both officials must be alike. The old Elbeco may be worn ONLY at Frosh/JV games, and ONLY if both officials agree.

In honor of Boyd Baker, who passed away last May, we will be wearing a “BBB” softball patch on the left sleeve for the 2000 season. All members will receive 1 patch; additional ones are available for $2 each. The patches will be paid for using general funds.

Dues this year will be $5. New members will have their dues waived for their first year.

In December, Marcus Tellez passed away. He had been on the waiting list for a heart/kidney transplant. Marcus was one of us for many years, and had progressed to the Junior College level of umpiring before his health deteriorated. A collection will be taken up for a gift certificate for his family, most probably for groceries. Marcus will be missed; he was a good friend, father, and official.

On a happier note: Joe Robinson, our past-President, has been selected to serve on the NFHS Softball Rules Committee. The appointment is a 3-year term, from 2000-2002. His mug is plastered on page 3 of the Rulebook. If you ask him nicely, he may autograph it for you.

On Sunday, 27 February there will be a FREE all-day classroom clinic by Merle Butler, ASA National Director of Umpires. Merle is an excellent speaker, and an ISF-certified umpire. All are encouraged to attend. The clinic will be hosted by the University of Arizona's Lunar & Planetary Laboratory in the Kuiper Space Sciences Building. (This is where we will have our 07 February meeting, after our on-the-field clinic.) For details, contact Joe Robinson or Bob Marcialis.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 January 24

As mentioned, new shirts are available for purchase from TKO Supplies, Inc.; tkosupply@aol.com; phone 623-872-8338. The cost, with the patch embroidered on, will be $35/shirt. An “order sheet” was circulated at the meeting.

“BBB” patches were distributed. Instructions for affixing the patch are as follows: left sleeve, the bottom of the patch should be exactly 1 inch above the piping, centered on where the crease would be, if the shirt were ironed. Additional patches are available for $2 each.

Our new web site was announced; but if you can read this, you already know that! Please send your comments and recommendations.

The availability deadline has passed. Any stragglers should fax their blue availability sheets immediately to Jim Markert.

Dale Wilson covered the new rule changes for 2000, and the Points of Emphasis section of the rules. These are very important topics, so learn them fast and learn them well!

Joe Robinson announced that the Game Face IS LEGAL EQUIPMENT if worn by a DEFENSIVE player.

2/3/4 Representative to Committee elected. Nominees for this non-voting Committee position were Dave Obenauf and Eli Massey. Congratulations to Dave, who was elected by the 2/3/4's in a close vote of 7-6.

Jim Markert claims he is overworked, and requested we name someone to help him with initial assignments and last-second scheduling issues. Dale Wilson and Joe Robinson agreed to the request.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 January 31

Another round of discussions over the new shirts. Will it never end? People, do us all a favor and buy the new shirts. If you pay a buck extra, so bleeping what? Write it off on your taxes. Why do we waste 15 minutes every meeting discussing this? How much is your time worth? Jim Stone may be cooking up a “deal” for us. The Bowling Alley may or may not do a proper job. Whatever you do, remember, OPENING DAY IS 23 FEBRUARY, AND YOU MUST BE IN UNIFORM BY THAT DATE!!! You will NOT be assigned games on opening day unless you notify Jim Market that you are properly equipped to work that date. Tim Cooper will be here on 21 February, so if you order now, you'll have shirts on time. DO SOMETHING, JUST DO IT AND QUIT WASTING MEETING TIME DISCUSSING IT. Bottom line is: 1) we are going to wear the new shirts; 2) we need to get the new shirts; 3)  how you do it is up to you; 4) quit whining and DO IT!

The AIA patch, it turns out, CAN be worn either on the pocket, or over (above) it. Let's try to all get on the same page: we strongly recommend it be ON the pocket, in keeping with how other leagues (including the Show) do it.

A roster listing names, addresses, and telephone number(s) was passed around for proof reading. It will be distributed to the membership at the 31 February meeting, which is a week AFTER opening day. Efforts will be made to distribute the list earlier. Most likely, it will be put on-line, as well.

We had our annual Coaches invitational meeting. Unfortunately, attendance was rather slim. Apparently the word didn't get out in time to many of the schools. All-in-all, things remained rather civil (Grunsfelder didn't talk much). Mostly, the Coaches had the "usual" concerns, like how they can get more of us Baja Arizona umpires into the playoffs.

Some pre-season tournament dates were announced: San Manuel and CDO will be 3/4 and 2/3/4 March, respectively. Tucson High will be the following week: 9/10/11 March.

Our on-the-field clinic will be held next Monday, 07 February, 6 p.m., at the U. of A.'s Hillenbrand Stadium, with a meeting to follow in the Kuiper Space Sciences Building next door. Thanks to Mike Candrea for letting us use his facility.

Finally, the Committee met afterwards. If Bill Corbett doesn't show up for the meeting next week, he will be replaced on the Committee. An election will be held, and Rules 2, 3, and 4 will be reviewed at the post-clinic meeting. Please come with questions about these three rules.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 February 07

On-field clinic was held tonight. Tim Cooper and Mike Huff came to sell shirts and other gear. Thanks to both of them for their efforts. Also, thanks to Coach Candrea for letting us use the field. We don't care what they say about you; you're O.K.

Since Bill Corbett hasn't turned out this year, an election was held to fill the remainder of his 3-year term on the Committee. Nominees were: Angie Hernández, John Cole, George Riviera, and Angie Hernández was elected. Congratulations to Angie.

Joe Robinson distributed a list of approved bats to everyone, courtesy of the ASA. However, remember he received the list on Friday. The ASA Web page listing has since been updated (on 07 Feb) to include 4 bats made by deBeer. Testing continues, and this list is sure to grow rapidly during the first part of 2000. You are encouraged to check the link to the ASA Bat Testing and Certification Program often. This link will remain on the AIA Homepage throughout the season.

Preliminary schedules were distributed to the membership. Please check all assigned dates to see that they fit your schedule. Also, signup sheets were circulated for the CDO/San Manuel and Tucson High/Sahuarita tournaments.

Umpire manuals were distributed. You should now have all 4 books (Rules, Umpire Manual, Casebook, and AIA Handbook) for 2000.

To date, only Fred Gouby and the Committee have given any feedback on our Homepage. I guess I'll have to implement a counter to see how many “hits” we get. Are you folks reading all this???

Remember, no meeting next week. Opening Day is 2 days after our next meeting. Work scrimmages, check your equipment, get your legs in shape BEFORE the first pitch. Get your “BBB” patches sewn on. Also remember Merle Butler's free clinic on Sunday, 27 Feb.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 February 21

Tonight's meeting was devoted largely to handing out assignments, both for the CDO/San Manuel/Tucson High tournaments, and for the scheduled JV- and JV-B (Frosh) games.

Opening Day is this week, Wednesday, 23 February.

Merle Butler's free clinic is this Sunday. All are encouraged to attend.

The AIA Softball Rules Exam was distributed. The due date for the exam is 06 March, 2 weeks from tonight. Also, note that for the rest of the season, meetings will be at 7:00 p.m.

Mike Bouchard presented a prototype evaluation form. People looking to move up: it is YOUR responsibility to secure several of these forms, and give them to your partner if your partner has a higher rating than you. The Committee hopes that each non-certified umpire will get 2 or 3 evaluations through the course of the season. These evaluations will play an important role at the “Move-Up” Meeting on 01 May. The Committee also will consider whether you have attended a scrimmage: try to work at least one. Who knows, you might learn something!

The 2000 Members' Telephone and Email Directory was distributed. It is also on-line and linked to the AIA homepage. Please send updates/changes/corrections to Bob Marcialis.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 February 28

Tonight's meeting was relatively short. However, a few important point were raised.

There will be a scrimmage at St. Gregory's on Wednesday, 01 March at 4 p.m. Members are reminded that it is required that you attend at least one scrimmage per year to remain in good standing with the Association. The NFHS test is due next week. Dale Wilson reminds us that,

The State of Arizona has NOT adopted the courtesy runner rule.


The Umpire Evaluation Form is in the process of being linked to the AIA homepage.

Finally, although it is a royal pain, we must be diligent in checking the bats before every game. Those who are connected, please print out the updated list of approved bats at least once a week. Please distribute copies to those without Internet access. The list changes FAST; a new DeMarini bat was added this morning. If both umpire do the bat inspection, one reading the bat and the other checking the list, it goes relatively quickly. Remember, if we take the time to do this NOW, it will help us later this summer.

For the CDO tournament this week, Bob Marcialis will have updated copies to give out at SportsPark.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 March 06

Two major topics were discussed at tonight's meeting. In reverse order, they were the NFHS test, and the new ASA Bat Rule.

The NFHS test was due. Remember, to move up you must get the minimum test score for the level to which you want to move as a pre-requisite. We went over the answers, and as usual found at least 2 official answers that were wrong. Examples:

Most of the meeting was taken up with a discussion as to why, or why not, the new bat rule should be enforced. Most members agree that the implementation has been less than optimal. However, Joe Robinson has exchanged email with Mary Struckhoff, Rules Editor for the NFHS:

-----Original Message-----
From: AZASAUMP1@aol.com [mailto:AZASAUMP1@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 10:59 PM
To: mstruckhoff@nfhs.org
Subject: Bat Certification


The high school softball season is in full swing here in Arizona and this bat certification has umpires, coaches and players somewhat upset. We as umpires are doing our very best to follow the rules: if there is no model number on the bat or if the model number on the bat has not yet been approved and listed on the ASA web page it can't be used. As always with new rules, this seems to be Greek to all of the coaches and athletic directors.

The big problem is that everyone (umpire) cannot enforce this rule for several reasons and it is no fault of the umpire.

  1. The NHS has not provided it's umpires with a list of approved bats.
  2. Most ASA umpires have a list of approved bats that was issued prior to February 1, 2000.
  3. All umpires don't have computers or the use of a computer to get this undated list of bats off the web site.
Using the three cases listed above, a team playing in their first three games of the season could be allowed to use all of their bats the first game because the umpires have no list of approved bats or any knowledge of a list. The second game the umpires will remove all bats that are not on the ASA list issued in January 2000 and the third game the umpires with the updated list will allow more bats. At this point in time the bat check is very inconsistent because we don't have the proper vehicle to handle this bat inspection in a professional manner.

Please what are your recommendations?


Joe Robinson
Softball Rules Committee

To which Mary Struckhoff responds:


Thanks for the message. I do understand the concerns and frustrations. Especially considering not all umpires have computers and not all coaches are willing to take the illegal bats out of their inventory. I think it needs to be a collaborative effort on both sides of that issue (coaches and officials). We couldn't publish a list of bats, because the list is being updated. That's the problem with the ASA list distributed to umpires earlier, it's already out of date and virtually no good.

I have a few suggestions: 1) Encourage umpires with computers to print out the list at the beginning of each week and pass that around to their officiating colleagues. 2) Inform coaches when you discover an illegal bat, encourage them to take it out of their inventory, so as not to run into the same problem in the future for other officials. 3) I do not have the authority to have you or anyone else set aside an NFHS rule. Therefore, I also encourage you to contact the Arizona Interscholastic Assoc. for their recommendations in implementing this rule locally.

Hope this helps.

Mary Struckhoff
National High School Federation
Assistant Director - Softball Rules Editor

So there we have it.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 March 20

Jim Markert distributed schedules for April.

A consensus decision was reached to meet at 6 pm, not 7 pm, on 03 April in order to give us a shot at watching the NCAA Basketball final (game starts at 8 pm).

Test 2 turn-in was due tonight. To remain at your current rating, you must achieve minimum score.

A plea to all 1's and 2's: Please try to evaluate 2 more junior umpires when you are partnered with them.

As always, bats came up again. Although protracted regurgitation of irrelevant objection was preemptively squashed, one interesting comment was made. By now, most coaches have accepted bat inspections. However, it is the inconsistent enforcement--why one crew on Monday inspects every bat, while another crew on Wednesday doesn't--that irritates them most. Guys, we are most of the way towards achieving compliance. Most coaches know which particular bats are unacceptable by now. A few more weeks of concerted, uniform effort on our part should finish the job. The approved bat list has grown quite a bit in the last 2 weeks, resulting in fewer sticks getting chucked. Please continue to enforce the bat list: it will make our jobs this summer much easier.

Tom Carle resurrected some unfinished business from our first meeting of the year: having the Association buy a gift certificate for food in the name of Marcus Tellez's family. Please give your contributions to Tom or anyone on the Committee. Although we are dealing in cash here, think of it in terms of how many innings you have to work to make the amount of your donation. If an umpire went down on another field, wouldn't you work 2 innings, 3 innings, or a whole game as a favor to him and the kids playing the game? Well, Marcus has gone down--let's help out his family.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 April 03

More assignments were handed out. Updated bat lists were made available to those without Internet access or a printer.

Joe Robinson has been sick for the past two weeks, and even had to be checked into the hospital briefly. He is undergoing more tests. Get well soon, Robby!

Members were reminded to follow AIA Policy as per the Handbook, in particular, with regard to honoring game committments. We have had an instance of one umpire missing 2-1/2 games recently. AIA policy regarding missed assignments is given on page 12:

“Section M.

An official or replacement who does not honor a contract assignment or follow the turn back procedure will be fined an amount equal to the contest fee. Such a fine shall be paid with fourteen (14) days of the breach of contracts. Failure to pay the fine could result in loss of future assignments or suspension.”

Jim Markert has enforced this policy in basketball, so we should expect similar compliance in our sport.

The Committee met afterwards and discussed the current case of Breach of Contract. Also discussed was AIA policy regarding an official's eligibility to be assigned post-season games (AIA Manual, page 23). Many members have not attended the minimum of 4 Meetings and 1 Clinic. Not umpiring a minimum number of contests in the current season, or being inactive during the regular season, are also grounds for being declared ineligible. Those who have not satisfied the eligibility requirements will have their names removed from next week's playoff ballot.

Our next meeting (17 April) is a very important. Please make every effort to attend.

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Minutes of the General Meeting, 2000 April 17

Tonight's meeting was very important; it was a bit disappointing more umpires did not attend. In addition to handing out another bunch of games, Committee elections were held for next year, and our internal Playoff Selection vote was distributed. Although the 2/3/4 Feedback session also was on the agenda, none of the non-Certifieds had any comments.

Remember, folks: the best way to implement change is to speak up. The Committee tries to do what is best for our Association, but we are not mindreaders, nor do we profess to have mastered the running of the Association. What procedures, policies, actions did we do/not do that you liked or didn't like? What suggestions can you make to make next year better? Are you improving as an umpire? If not, WHY NOT? If so, what was the key to bettering your game? Feel free to talk to the Committee, whether at General Meetings, in closed session after a meeting, or by telephone or email. If you email the Association Webmaster and request anonymity, your request will be honored. Let us know how we are doing!

Results of the General Election

Nominated to fill the vacated Committee Member position were: Steve Arnold, Mike Bartling, Bob Marcialis, and Rob Powell. The “winner” was Bob Marcialis. So much for variety; upon completion of this term it will be 9 straight years of servitude on the Committee.

Nominated for the position of Vice-President were Mike Bartling, Tom Carle, Bob Marcialis, and Rob Powell. Congratulations to Tom Carle. Tom will serve as VP next year, President in 2002, and and Past-President for the 2003 season. Since Tom Carle currently is a member of the Committee (and has 2 years remaining on his sentence, er, tenure) his vacated seat was filled by Rob Powell, who finished second in the Committee Member balloting.

Thanks to those individuals who have completed their terms of office: Past-President Joe Robinson, Committee Member Stretch Johnson, and 2/3/4 Representative to the Committee Dave Obenauf.

Results of the Playoff Ballot
Certified umpires were given a ballot with 36 names. These 36 are the Certified Officials who are eligible for post-season play. Eligibility is determined by satisfying all requirements to remain in good standing with the Association: meeting attendance, minimum test score, preseason clinic and scrimmage attendance, and being an “active” member, as prescribed in the AIA Handbook. Instructions on the ballot were as is customary:
“Vote for 15 umpires. Your top 5 umpires, award 5 points each. Your second 5 umpires, award 3 points each. Your last 5 umpires, award 1 point each.”

The top 15 finishers are ennumerated in the Table below.

Votes Received
































































The results are given to Jim Markert. From this list, Jim does his own ranking, and the Coaches have the third input. A “final” ranking is made. Playoff games are then assigned according to this ranking, based on the availability of the ranked umpire to work the actual dates/locations of playoff games. We have been told there will be a total of 36 playoff games this year; the seventy-odd positions are filled with umpires from Tucson, Phoenix, and around the State.

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Minutes of the “Move-up Meeting,” 2000 May 01

Last night's meeting, the final meeting of the year, had a particularly poor turnout. Considering it was a required meeting for all Certified umpires, this is not good.

The primary purpose was to vote on our recommendations to the AIA regarding promotion/demotion of umpires. The details for each individual considered will not be ennumerated here, however officials given the green light for move-up will be notified by mail. Remember, even though the Association approves a move-up, it is only a recommendation to Phoenix. Ultimately, they must approve of a move-up before it will happen.

People, it is difficult enough getting to know and work with umpires new to the Association. When turnout is as poor as last night, it makes a move-up vote even more of a guessing game. To promote someone before they are ready is a disservice to them, and to the kids in our program. Likewise, holding back someone who is qualified and ready to improve is unfair and demoralizing. Such bad decisions lead to appeal hearings during the summer months, and set a bad atmosphere among the membership. One of the responsibilities of being a Certified is to attend and participate.

Another topic of discussion dealt with the new red shirts those working State playoff games are being forced to buy. It was almost universally condemned as unfair and exploitive to have assignments accepted and confirmed by our umpires before being informed that we would have to shell out for another shirt. The last-minute decision to require a new shirt directly contradicts what we were told by Phoenix last year, that is, if we bought the dark, navy pullover we would be set for years to come. Making red shirts an option for regular conference play next year is not an acceptable rationale, since only those who worked playoffs in 2000 are likely to have the shirts. Most other umpires are unlikely to shell out for yet another color shirt, based on how few of us in Tucson own the navy version this year. What can we expect next year? A puce pullover and white patent leather shoes?

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This Web page is maintained by Bob Marcialis
Copyright © 2000 Robert L. Marcialis
Last Modified: 2000 May 17