Extra-Solar Planets

Extra-Solar Planets

Our Future in Space: Extra-Solar Planets

William Hubbard

A real sea-change that’s happened in the last ten years is the discovery of extra-solar planets, which has suddenly made planetary science respectable among astrophysicists. They suddenly see it as an exciting field.

I think it’s very ironic that, if you look at what’s going on with extra-solar planets right now, the techniques that are being applied and the kind of data that are being obtained, it’s very reminiscent of the situation in planetary science at the time that I came here. You’re getting just crude data—just the tip of the iceberg is beginning to emerge, and it’s not clear where it’s all headed.

It’s going to be a very long time before we get spacecraft data back from extra-solar planets, of course, but that discovery is one of the things that’s revolutionized planetary science. The environment right now is like it was a century ago when people didn’t know exactly how stars work, and where they got their energy and how they evolved. We are in a similar state of ignorance about planetary systems, how they are formed and how they evolve.

Richard Greenberg

I now have a student and a post-doc working with me, Brian Jackson and Rory Barnes, and we’re looking at extra-solar planetary systems. Something like 240 of these have been discovered, and we can start to look at what they have in common, what are some of the broad issues, what orbital characteristics and kinds of interactions are there; so we can look at a population and sort stuff out. That, I think, is going to be really crucial in terms of understanding how planetary systems formed and stuff. 

So we’re looking at extra-solar planetary systems, turning out quite a few papers about them, and I think the kinds of things we’re finding do have implications for how the planets formed. I think that that’s going to morph into looking more carefully at planet formation. I’ve written a couple of seminal papers back a quarter of a century ago about planetary accretion, how they grew in the first place, so I think the information we have about extra-solar planets is going to reap this effect.

Floyd Herbert

Gilda Ballester, and a graduate student as well who left for France recently, discovered a spectral feature in the absorption spectrum of a [extra-solar] planet that wasn’t known before. It turned out to be, as near as we could tell, due to the absorption of atomic hydrogen in an excited state. Well, to get atomic hydrogen into that excited state you have to heat it up, and it turns out the upper atmosphere of this planet is hot as the dickens; it’s about five thousand degrees Kelvin. That’s about the temperature of the surface of our Sun. That’s why it has this absorption. So she did the first measurement of the temperature in a planetary atmosphere in another solar system, which is quite a thing.

That’s probably the one of the directions that the Lunar Lab will want to go into, extra-solar planets. NASA is talking about missions, not to actually visit extra-solar planets because we can’t do that, but missions that will get outside of the Earth’s atmosphere so you can make measurements of various aspects of these things. Probably there’s going to be people getting in on those, and that’s a direction for us to go in.


Extra-Solar Planets, Page 2

Extra-Solar Planets, Page 2

Our Future in Space: Extra-Solar Planets

Dante Lauretta

We’re going to get better and better at characterizing planets around other stars. That’s going to be a big thing. We’re going to start to find smaller planets, Earth-like planets. I think—I’ll make a prediction here—we’re going to start to realize that Earth-like planets are relatively common and this will feed into the whole idea of, is there life on other planets out there? We’re going to learn to detect remotely any signs of life—if it’s an oxygen-rich atmosphere, or if it’s some other atmospheric signature, or maybe it’s something you can see, changes on the surfaces or something like that. I think we’re going to really start to get better and better at characterizing and detecting extra-solar planets. That expands our number of targets from nine, keeping Pluto as a planet, to hundreds and thousands of objects in nearby space to us. Planetary science is going to blossom enormously because there’s simply that many more planets out there that need to be studied.

William Bottke

I think the fact that the field has grown so much is because there’s so much excitement in it right now. It’s not just our solar system, either; it’s the discovery of planets in other solar systems. The big growth areas I see are extra-solar planets, which are now a really hot topic; and I also see astrobiology. It’s growing in fits and starts, but ultimately there are really interesting constraints that planetary science provides for life and vice versa. I think that will be another big growth area as we become more sophisticated. 

Alfred McEwen

Scientifically, the lab is getting more and more interested in extra-solar planets. Exobiology, astrobiology, things like habitability—you can have a discipline in astrobiology even if you don’t find any extraterrestrial life. Stephen Gould called it “that great discipline in search of its first data point.”

Jay Melosh

I think since the discovery of extra-solar planets, planetary system formation has gotten to be more respectable astronomy. We now have a lot more bridges with the Steward Observatory. There’s a group there that works on planet formation and collaborates very closely with LPL. That old separation is being healed over.

Nicholas Schneider

It’s a joy to see each of these worlds turn into a place that you can get really familiar with, intimate with. But the nature of science is changing for each of those worlds; the obligation of how much you have to explain is correspondingly higher. I do see us turning more and more worlds from complete unknowns into well-categorized places, but the fact that we’ve found planets around other stars means that we’ve got a good set of fuzzy points of light that we have yet to explain. I find extra-solar planets a true growth field for planetary science.
