
My research is focused on understanding the formation and evolution of solar system planets and planetary satellites, with an emphasis on the connections between rotational dynamics, orbital dynamics, and interior structure. Seismic constraints on interior structure are only available for the Earth and the Moon. For other planetary bodies, we must look for clues in other observations. The response of planetary bodies to rotational and orbital changes depends on their interior structure and it generates unique shape, gravity, and tectonic patterns. I seek to constrain the interior structure of planetary bodies by comparing observations of these patterns with theoretical model predictions.
library(scholar) library(tidyverse) library(glue) # escape some special chars, german umlauts, ... char2html <- function(x){ dictionary <- data.frame( symbol = c("ä","ö","ü","Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ß"), html = c("ä","ö", "ü","Ä", "Ö", "Ü","ß")) for(i in 1:dim(dictionary)[1]){ x <- gsub(dictionary$symbol[i],dictionary$html[i],x) } x } # my google scholar user id from my profile url # thackl <- "b8bWNkUAAAAJ" # pull from google html_1 <- get_publications(thackl) # convert to htlm table - the ugly way ;) html_2 <- html_1 %>% as_tibble %>% arrange(desc(year)) %>% mutate( # author=str_replace_all(author, " (\\S) ", "\\1 "), author=str_replace_all(author, "([A-Z]) ([A-Z]) ", "\\1\\2 "), author=str_replace_all(author, ", \\.\\.\\.", " et al."), author=str_replace_all(author, "T Hackl", "T Hackl") # make my name fat ) %>% split(.$year) %>% map(function(x){ x <- x %>% glue_data('{author} ({year}) {title}, {journal}, {number}') %>% str_replace_all("(, )+

", "

") %>% char2html() x <- c('', x, '
') return(x); }) %>% rev html_3 <- map2(names(html_2) %>% paste0("

", ., "

"), html_2, c) %>% unlist html_4 <- c( paste0('

Last updated ', format(Sys.Date(), format="%B %d, %Y"), '– Pulled automatically from my Google Scholar profile. See this post for how it works.

'), html_3) # write the html list to a file writeLines(html_4, "../_includes/publications.html")