Minutes of the General Meeting, 2001 January 08
Welcome back everyone, and Happy New Millennium.
Introductions of the Committee and our Commissioner, Bart Henkle to the
membership. New members introduced themselves. Rule books, Umpire Manuals,
and Case Books were distributed. AIA Handbooks are on-order. Availability
sheets were collected.
The shirt policy again was discussed at entirely too much length. Once again, this year's official shirt is the Kliff Keen powder blue pullover. (This is the only brand with red, white, and blue piping on the sleeves.) Embroidered shirts can be bought from Tim Cooper in Phoenix (TKO Supplies, Inc.; tkosupply@aol.com; phone 623-872-8338). Dale Wilson will arrange for Tim to visit us at our clinic on 10 February. If seen, the t-shirt underneath must be navy.
The dark blue (navy) and red (red) pullovers are optional this year. If worn, both officials must be alike.
Dues this year will be $5. New members will have their dues waived for their first year.
At the beginning of the 2001 season, the amount of cash in our treasury is $75.51.
Our web site was announced; but if you can read this, you already know that! Please send your comments and recommendations.
Minutes from this meeting were supplied by Mike Bouchard; Bob Marcialis was at Cape Canaveral on business.
Elected George Riviera to replace Joe Stanley and Bill Cassarino to replace Dave Obenauf on the Committee. Joe Robinson reviewed all rule changes. These will be covered again on 2/12. Collected more availability forms. Need all by 1/29/01 meeting (next week). Test to be handed out 1/29/01. Info sheet with all names is being compiled by Tom Carle.
Mike Bouchard went over the by State adoption portions of the rules:
Mr. Robinson reviewed a few situations in Rules 1,2,3, and 4 pertaining to batting out of order, and to the new courtesy runner rule.
As per resolution of the Committee following the first meeting, officials not fulfilling the various requirements (e.g., minimum number of meetings, test score, 1 clinic, 1 scrimmage) WILL NOT receive post-season assignments. Last year we had 3 members who never attended a meeting, yet were given games. If you umpire baseball, their meetings count towards your minimum for softball. However, you must take the test and achieve the minimum score. In addition, if a deadline passes, and there is no way you can meet the minimum requirement, the remainder of your schedule for the season will be revoked.
There is some flexibility to this official position. If you know in advance of a problem, like your real job taking you out of town on business, please write a letter to the Committee. In all likelihood, you will be excused without penalty.
The test was handed out.
Not much new at this meeting. Availability sheets HAD to be turned in by tonight in order for you to receive a schedule from Bart. Several Committee members are scheduling study groups to take the test. Find one, and get on it!
Remember the clinic will be held this Saturday.
Saturday's clinic was rather well-attended. Thanks to all who were there. Tim Kooper and his wife drove up from Phoenix with shirts and gear for sale. Remember, if you missed this clinic, the one and only makeup clinic will be held on 26 February.
The 2001 Member Telephone and Email list was distributed and placed online at the website. If you did not attend the clinic, you can get your copy at the meeting on Monday night (7 p.m.)
Six coaches showed at the meeting tonight; our mystery guest speaker did not. Unfortunately, the coaches in attendance are, by and large, those who really do understand the rules and rarely give umpires a hard time. It would be much more beneficial if we could get the problem coaches to show in the future.
Rule changes were reviewed at length. In particular, scenarios of the new courtesy runner rule were discussed. You cannot correctly enforce the courtesy runner rule unless you understnad who the pitcher of record is.
Also, this year both (all) balls in a game must be alike. Reach an agreement at the pregame as to what kind of rock will be thrown.
Assignments for the CDO tournament were distributed; Bart is still working on the regular season assignments. Remember, no meeting next week, and all remaining meetings are at 7:00 p.m.
Tonight's meeting was the makeup clinic. The NCAA umpires were charged with reviewing a specific aspect of the game. Specifically, the pregame (Stretch Johnson), handling coaches and ejections (Rob Powell and Tom Carle), properly dressed versus complete slob (Frick and Frack), and proper safe and out calls (Bob Marcialis). Joe Robinson and Mike Bouchard added helpful comments along the way. Steve Arnold asked who played Lumpy in Leave it to Beaver.
A reminder to discuss what balls will be used at the pregame. The home team is responsible for supplying sufficient balls, all alike in color, COR, and brand (and bearing the NFHS logo). If the visiting team does not want to throw them, they have the option of furnishing a sufficient supply of balls. The home team has the option of approving their use. If the teams cannot come to agreement as to what ball to use, the balls supplied by the home team will be used.
Bart Henkle came in with changes, and JV-B games were distributed.
The Member's Directory has been updated. Inactive members have been purged from the list. Please update your records; games were missed last week due to outdated telephone numbers being called. The importance of contacting your partner cannot be overemphasized.
Little new at this meeting, except for handing out additional assignments and turn-backs.
Little new at this meeting, except for handing out additional assignments and turn-backs.
Mr. Robinson is soliciting proposed changes to the NFHS Softball Rules for next year. Please see him if you have any ideas/requests.
Meeting was cancelled onaccounta the Wildcat/Duke basketball game.
Tonight's meeting was an important one, and the last General Meeting of the year. The 30 April meeting is for Certifieds-Only. (the Move-Up Meeting).
First, next year Jim Markert and Bart Henkle will split the duties of Commissioner. Bart will remain in charge of softball, we are told, however the exact details of how things will be run are to be decided.
There was some discussion regarding the merits and drawbacks of this year's attempt to divide the City into 4 regions. This system has demonstrated both advantages and disadvantages.
Mike Bouchard's meeting with Sheila Bayes regarding the long time between game and receipt of pay was discussed. Mike discussed a few proposed solutions whereby this interval can be reduced. We hope TUSD will be amenable one of these. The AIA Handbook specifically dictates that officials are to be paid on site (no pay, no play). Phoenix schools have no trouble with this policy; it is ridiculous to think that TUSD cannot comply.
We voted on which umpires to nominate for post-season play. The results will be posted, once the tally is completed. Recall that (in theory, anyway) the decision is made by an equal combination of the Coaches' pollvote, the Commissioner's whim, and our vote.
Elections were held for Officers in the Association. Birdie Rastatter was elected to fill Angie Hernández's remaining one-year appointment on the Committee. Dave Obenauf was elected to fill Bob Marcialis' vacated two-year appointment on the Committee. Rich Schultz' expired term (3-yrs) on the Committee will be filled by Hank Smith. ??? was elected as 2/3/4 representative to the Committee (a non-voting appointment) for the coming year.
Unfortunately, Bob Marcialis was elected Vice-President. Tom Carle will rotate from VP to President, Mike Bouchard rotates from President to Past-President, and Dale Wilson's tenure as Past President expires.
A request to the membership for someone else to become Association Webmaster fell upon deaf ears.
These changes take effect at the end of the Move-Up Meeting on 30 April. This meeting will be held at our usual location, Rincon High School, at 7 p.m.
This Web page is maintained by
Bob Marcialis
Copyright © 2001 Robert L. Marcialis
Last Modified: 2001 April 18