
Available Posters

Posters below are available for download or use the Order Poster button to purchase prints.


Geological Effects of Impact Cratering

23" x 29", 70MB

Shows geological effects of impact cratering, such as crater formation, shock quartz, transition crater diameter, breccia and shattercones.

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Environmental Effects of Impact Cratering

23" x 29", 34MB

Shows the local, regional and global environmental effects of impact cratering, such as atmospheric heating, tsunamis, shock waves, and global wildfires.

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Available as digital files only. 

Apollo Manned Mission Posters

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Meteorite Kit

Meteorite Kit

A Meteorite Teaching Kit is available for loan to schools in the Tucson area. Included in the kit are samples of Allende (carbonaceous chondrite), Gao (Stoney Iron), Odssea (Iron), and Millbillillie (Achondrite) meteorites, magnetite (common sample thought to be a meteorite), magnets, magnifying glass, and booklet. For more information, contact the PTYS/LPL Academic Office at 520-621-6963.