Bratfest 2020 - Fest in Place

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Bratfest was put on hold for a couple of years. The 2020 Bratfest was a virtual reunion between friends over Zoom. This was not a numbered Bratfest due to the circumstances and the numbering will resume with the next, in-person Bratfest being Bratfest XLII.

Picture of a Brat saying hi to friends over a zoom call

This was Brat Heard 'Round the World, the One Fest to Rule Them All, the Answer to Life, the Universe, and your Pandemic Malaise: BratfEast 16 / Bratfest 41b, and Bratfest Colorado 23! Fest-in-Place with your own bratwurst (or hotdogs or other sausages), corn, cheesecake, and a beverage. Then tune in online to share it with LPL alumni and science friends around the world.

What: BratfEast is an annual Oktoberfest style party for all area science geeks and their families, friends, and pretty much everyone else. Budded from an ongoing LPL / Tucson based party known as Bratfest, BratfEast now has a life of its own here in the MD / DC / VA area - and that means you!

When: Saturday, September 26, afternoon to evening-ish
Where: Online, of course.

Who: You! And your family! And your friends! But not the online trolls. So we'll
probably have some sort of signup sheet with the connection details.