TAPS 2014

The Art of Planetary Science, University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Science & Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. October 17-19, 2014

The Art of Planetary Science's 2014 lead team (left to right): Jamie Molaro, Sarah Peacock, James Keane, Hannah Tanquary
Thank you all so much for making this year such a success! This year, we displayed more than 200 pieces of artwork, from 90 artists and scientists, and drew a crowd of over 800 people. We are just so overwhelmed with the positive response we've gotten from the community about The Art of Planetary Science! We hope to continue the show annually, and provide artists and scientists a public venue for reaching out to the community and showing what it is that inspires us about science and the solar system. 


Your devoted organizers,

Jamie Molaro, Sarah Peacock, James Keane, Hannah Tanquary (left to right), and Ethan Schaefer (not pictured).




Best in Show

Cui Jing, 24 hours: Hangzhou to Tucson


People's Choice

Amy Robertson / Circuit (dance group), Galactic Tango


Fine Art

1 - R.M. Thomas, Ghost Dancers in the Milky Way

2 - Sean Parker, Galactic Desert

3 - Theresa Hentz, The Fairy of Eagle Nebula


Data Art

1 - James Keane, The Origin of the Lunar Figure

2 - Adrian Cornejo, Entropy Grids (15, 17, 18, 21)

3 - Jamie Molaro, Accidental Art


Honorable Mentions

Lester Salberg, C 38

Marina Cornelius, Formation

David Kish, Interplanetary Picnic

Michelle Rouch, Astro Girl, Fei Fei Sun

Melissa Dykhuis, Phobos: Best Before 15874 G.C.E.



Special thanks to our sponsors!


Arizona Art Supply

Biosphere 2


Borderlands Brewery

Craft Tucson

Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium

Ian Reasor

Joe Spitale

Pima Air and Space Museum

Posner's Art Store

Skybar and Brooklyn Pizza Co.

Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory

The HiRISE Team

The Loft Cinema


The Tucson Museum of Art


And to


Tim Swindle

Maria schuchardt

Joe Spitale

Ian Reasor



Ethan Schafer, Donna Viola, Hamish Hay, Josh Lothringer, Chet Malezewski, and Jon Bapst.

Special Collaborations

Craft Tucson and Tucson Museum of Art present

Art on Tap: Art Music, and Beer Fest

December 6th, 2014

Winners and other selected works from the Art of Planetary Science will be on display, along with work from other local artists, for this one night festival at the Tucson Museum of Art. Enjoy fine art, good beer, and great music!

Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium

Flandrau provided half off admission with an Art of Planetary Science program Saturday and Sunday, October 17 & 18. You’ll be able to see great science exhibits, and buy a ticket for one of the incredible new Flandrau FullDome shows. This new planetarium projection system will launch you from the Earth to the edge of the known universe – its a wild ride and a work of art all in one!


Skybar gave Art of Planetary Science goers a special extended happy hour after the opening reception October 17th! They have delicious cocktails, beers, and pizza right next door from Brooklyn Pizza Co.!

Sidestreets Podcast

Created by Tucson native Nick Prevanas, this awesome podcast showcases the local culture, music, and events that make Tucson such a vibrant, growing community.

Biosphere 2

Some of the artwork from The Art of Planetary Science was selected to be hung at Biosphere 2 to promote the collaboration between art and science. Go on a tour of one of the most amazing scientific adventures of our time!


Adrian Cornejo*

Alex Harrison Parker*

Alfred McEwen

Amy Manning

Amy Robertson*

Anupama Condon

Barbara Penn*

Bashar Rizk

Bridget Guiza

Canaan Skye Martin*

Caroline Pyevich

Catherine Elder

Cui Jing*

Cynthia Miller

Dante Lauretta*

David Kish

Dimitri Manos

Dolores Hill

Donald Edward Davis

Dylan Joyce

Emily Jue

Eric Sahr

Fran McNamara

Gloria McMillan*

Houston Parrett

James T Keane

Jamie Molaro

Javier Busanez

Jess Vriesema

Joe Quarnberg

John Atkins

Joy Hill

Juan M. Lora

Julie Mitchell

Kelsey Miller

Kelvin A Harold II

Kerri Dugan

Laura A. Zaer

Len Poliandro

Lester Salberg

Lexi Coburn

Lyn Mason

Lynn Waltke

Malin Abrahamsson

Marcela Camarena Lubian

Margaret Landis

Marian Kozachik

Marilynn Flynn

Marina Cornelius

Mark Prusten

Marty Gibson

Matthew Chiorazzi

Matthew Philip Stricker

Melissa Dykhuis

Michael Heiland

Michelle Fealk

Michelle Rouch

Molly Simon

Nancy Hannaford

Paige Cuff

Pamela Lee

Pascal Lee

Patrick Driscoll Boyd

Philip Christensen*

R.M. Thomas

Ray Cassel

Rebekah Shindel

Reid Silvern

Richard Hill

Ron Cottrell

Sarah Peacock

Sean Parker

Shirley Wagner

Simon P. Kregar Jr

Spencer Kane Edgerton

Sue Devine

Suzanne Bloomfield

Theresa Hentz

Theresa McDermott

Toni Littlejohn

Travis Parker

Vic Hollins

William K. Hartmann

Ximena Ruden



*Thanks to those artists who generously donated artwork to the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory!

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