LPL Evening Lecture: Dr. Veronica Bray

The What If? Real-time Effects of a Bennu-Sized Asteroid Impact on Tucson

Veronica Bray Evening Lecture on October 18


7 to 8 p.m., Oct. 18, 2023


The What If?  Real-time Effects of a Bennu-Sized Asteroid Impact on Tucson

Geologic hazards such as earthquakes and floods are assessed based on their likelihood of occurrence and the devastation they cause when they do happen.  The once-in-a-blue-moon hazard is meteor impact, which has the potential for global devastation.  We can see evidence of incoming meteors as shooting stars and airbursts in the present and dinosaur-killing and planet-disrupting events in the past. The study of asteroid Bennu with OSIRIS-REx helps us get to know our solar system neighbors and assists in the hazard assessment of future asteroid impacts. This lecture will present a blow-by-blow account of how Tucson would be affected by the impact of a Bennu-sized meteor.   

Read more about Dr. Veronica Bray.

View Dr. Bray's Lecture

For more information, visit the LPL Evening Lecture Series page.