PTYS/LPL Alumni Directory

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Lastname, Firstname Degree Year Advisor(s) Dissertation/Thesis Current Position Current Institution
Abramov, Oleg Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Kring Impact-Induced Hydrothermal Activity on Earth and Mars Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute (New Zealand)
Allen, Carlton Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1979 Strom Volcano-Ice Interactions on the Earth and Mars Astromaterials Curator (Retired) NASA Johnson Space Center
Allen, Carlton M.S. Astronomy 1972 Strom Central Peaks in Lunar Craters Astromaterials Curator (Retired) NASA Johnson Space Center
Archer, Doug Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2010 Smith (Peter) The Martian Near Surface Environment: Analysis on Antarctic Soils and Laborator… Scientist NASA Johnson Space Center
Asphaug, Erik Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Melosh Dynamic Fragmentation in the Solar System: Applications of Fracture Mechanics a… Professor LPL, University of Arizona
Atwood-Stone, Corwin Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 McEwen Planetary Granular Topography: Slope Angles and Crater Concentric Ridges Physics Instructor Hinds Community College (Raymond, MS)
Aubele, Jayne M.S. Planetary Sciences 1988 Melosh Vesicle Zonation and Vertical Structure of Basalt Flows Senior Educator, Geologist New Mexico Museum of Natural History
Banks, Maria Ph.D. Geosciences 2009 McEwen Glacial Processes and Morphologies in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars Planetary Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Barlow, Nadine Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Strom Relative Ages and the Geologic Evolution of Martian Terrain Units
Barnes, Jason Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 Brown Characterizing Transiting Extrasolar Giant Planets: On Companions, Rings, and L… Professor, Physics University of Idaho
Bart, Gwen Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2007 Melosh Lunar Surface Geology from Analysis of Impact Craters and Their Ejecta Research Associate Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Baugh, Nicole M.S. Planetary Sciences 2008 Brown Fluvial Channels on Titan Uplink Operations Lead (HiRISE) LPL, University of Arizona
Beard, Sky Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 Swindle Noble Gas Chronology of Meteorites: Brachinites, Ureilites, and Chelyabinsk Chemist III Battelle
Becerra, Patricio Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2016 Byrne The Poles of Mars, Past and Present: A High-Resolution Observational Study of t… Project Scientist, Microcameras and Space Exploration (MCSE) SA University of Bern
Benner, Chris (Drayton) Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1979 Fink The Visual and Near Infrared Spectrum of Methane and Its Application to Uranus,… Adjunct Professor, Physics College of William and Mary
Berger, Eve Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2011 Lauretta Cubanite and Associated Sulfides in Cl Chordrites and Comet Wild 2: Implication… Organic Geo- and Cosmochemist NASA Johnson Space Center (ARES)
Berman, Daniel M.S. Geosciences 2003 Baker Hillside Gullies and Possible Glacial Landforms Associated With the Degradation… Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Beyer, Ross Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 McEwen Martian Surface Roughness and Stratigraphy Principal Investigator, Research Scientist SETI, NASA Ames Research Center
Binder, Alan Ph.D. Geology 1967 Titley Stratigraphy and Structure of the Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon Director Lunar Research Institute
Bjoraker, Gordon Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1985 Larson The Gas Composition and Vertical Cloud Structure of Jupiter's Troposphere Deriv… Space Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary Systems Laboratory
Bland, Michael Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Showman The Tectonic, Thermal, and Magnetic Evolution of Icy Satellites Research Space Scientist U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Science Center
Block, Kristin
M.S. Planetary Sciences 2011 Swindle Fulgurite Classification, Petrology, and Implications for Planetary Processes Principal Science Operations Engineer, HiRISE LPL, University of Arizona
Bolser, Diana M.S. Chemistry 2014 Zega Microstructural Analysis of Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions in Primitive Meteo… Subsection Manager - CMC Design GE Aerospace
Bond, Jade Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Lauretta The Chemistry of Extrasolar Planetary Systems Associate (Lawyer) Bartier Perry (Australia)
Bottke, William Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 Greenberg The Collisional and Dynamical Evolution of Asteroids Director Department for Space Studies, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder
Boyer, Darryl Ph.D. Physics 1982 Levy Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamos in the Presence of Fossil Magnetic Fields
Bramson, Ali Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 Byrne Radar Analysis and Theoretical Modeling of the Presence and Preservation of Ice… Assistant Professor Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Broadhurst, Leigh Ph.D. Geosciences 1989 Drake Solubility and Partitioning of Noble Gases in Anorthite, Diopside, Forsterite, … Geochemist/USDA Researcher U.S. Department of Agriculture
Brock, Laci
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Barman Connecting Points in Time: From the Evolution of Clouds in Substellar Atmospher… Artist
Brown, Zarah
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Koskinen Saturn's Upper Atmosphere in the Ultraviolet: Temperature and Compositional Tre… Postdoctoral Research Associate LPL, University of Arizona
Buie, Marc Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1984 Fink Lightcurve CCD Spectrophotometry of Pluto Staff Scientist Southwest Research Institute (Boulder)
Burkland, Michael Ph.D. Physics 1998 Swindle The Thermal Retentive Nature of the I-Xe System in the Meteorite Bjurbole: Impl… Senior Principal Systems Engineer Raytheon
Burr, Devon Ph.D. Geosciences 2003 Baker Investigations into the Cerberus Outflow Channels, Mars Professor, Astronomy and Planetary Science Northern Arizona University
Cambioni, Saverio Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Asphaug On the Application of Machine Learning to Planetary Sciences Postdoctoral Research Associate MIT, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Campins, Humberto Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1982 Rieke Infrared Observations of Cometary Solids Provost Research Professor, Physics and Astronomy University of Central Florida
Campins, Humberto M.S. Planetary Sciences 1982 Rieke Provost Research Professor, Physics and Astronomy University of Central Florida
Carver, Diana M.S. Planetary Sciences 2008 Melosh Viscous Relaxation of Craters on Enceladus Assistant Professor of Clinical Vanderbilt University
Chabot, Nancy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1999 Drake Geochemical Studies of the Cores of Terrestrial Planetary Bodies Planetary Scientist Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Chamberlain, Matthew Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Boynton Response of Martian Ground Ice to Orbit-Induced Climate Change Scientific Programmer CSIRO Decadal Climate Forecasting, Oceans and Atmosphere
Chen, Xiaohang Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Giacalone Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Curved and Evolving … Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Choi, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Showman The Meteorology of Giant Planets Revealed Through Automated Cloud Feature Track… Senior Data Engineer Night Shift Development, Inc.
Chollet, Eileen Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Giacalone Solar Energetic Particles as a Probe of the Inner Heliosphere Research Scientist CNA Analysis & Solutions
Ciesla, Fred Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2003 Hood The Physics and Chemistry of Solar Nebula Shock Waves: Applications to Chondrul… Professor, Dept. of Geophysics; Deputy Director, Chicago Center for Origins of Life University of Chicago
Clark, Richard M.S. Planetary Sciences 1996 Melosh The Detectability of Lunar Impacts in the Near Infrared Scientific Programmer National Solar Observatory GONG Project
Clements, Arthur Ph.D. Astronomy 1974 Tomasko Cloud Structure in the South Tropical Zone, Red Spot, and the North Polar Regio…
Coffeen, David Ph.D. Astronomy 1968 Gehrels A Polarimetric Study of the Atmosphere of Venus TESSERACT
Cohen, Barbara Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Swindle Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Clasts Planetary Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Consolmagno, Guy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1978 Jokipii Electromagnetic Processes in the Evolution of the Solar Nebula Director Vatican Observatory, Tucson & Rome
Cooper, Curtis Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Showman Meteorologies of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets Software Engineer Stellar Science (Albuquerque)
Cordell, Bruce Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1977 Strom Tectonism and the Interior of Mercury Educator, Consultant
Cruikshank, Dale Ph.D. Geosciences 1968 Titley, Kuiper Infrared Colorimetry of the Moon Professor, Dept. of Physics University of Central Florida
Crumpler, Larry Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1983 Strom Io: Models of Volcanism and Interior Structure Research Curator, Volcanology and Space Science New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
Cui, Jun Ph.D. Astronomy 2008 Yelle Analysis of Titan's Neutral Upper Atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spec… Professor School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University
Cunningham, Cindy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Hunten Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of the Jovian Atmosphere
Cyr, Kimberly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1998 Lunine The Distribution of Water in the Solar Nebula: Implications for Solar System Fo…
Dai, Wei Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Lunine Gas Trapping in Amorphous Water Ice: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach
Daubar, Ingrid Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2014 McEwen New Dated Craters on Mars and the Moon: Studies of the Freshest Craters in the … Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (Research) Brown University
Daubar, Ingrid M.S. Planetary Sciences 2002 Kring Northwest Africa 482: A Crystalline Impact Melt Breccia from the Lunar Highlands Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (Research) Brown University
Dawson, Douglas Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1998 Strom Modelling the Cratering Record of Venus Accounting Manager I, Nutritional Sciences & Wellness University of Arizona
Dietrich, Jeremy Ph.D. Astronomy 2023 Apai, Malhotra Revealing Unseen Planets in Exoplanetary Systems
Diniega, Serina Ph.D. Applied Math 2010 Byrne Modeling Aeolian Dune and Dune Field Evolution Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Doose, Lyn
Ph.D. Astronomy 1976 Tomasko Light Scattering Properties of Jupiter's Red Spot Senior Research Associate (Retired) LPL, University of Arizona
Dundas, Colin Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 McEwen Investigations of the Martian Mid-Latitudes: Implications for Ground Ice Research Geologist U.S. Geological Survey
Dunlap, J. Lawrence M.S. Astronomy 1972 Gehrels Laboratory Work on the Shape of Asteroids
Dykhuis, Melissa Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Greenberg Asteroid Family Dynamics in the Inner Main Belt Author
Ekholm, Andreas M.S. Planetary Sciences 2001 Melosh Crater Features Diagnostic of Oblique Impacts: The Size and Position of the Cen…
Elder, Catherine Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Showman The Effects of Melt of Impact Craters on Icy Satellites and On the Dynamics of … Research Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Emery, Joshua Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2002 Brown Constraints on the Surface Composition of Trojan Asteroids from Near Infrared (… Professor of Planetary Science Northern Arizona University
Engel, Steffi Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Lunine Titan and the Cosmochemistry of the Outer Solar System B&B Innkeeper, Tucson
Eplee, Robert Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Smith (Brad) Spokes in Saturn's B Ring: Dynamical and Physical Properties Deduced from Voyag… Senior Programmer NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Esman, Tracy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Giacalone Magnetic Field Fluctuations from the Solar Wind to the Surface of Mars NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Farrand, William Ph.D. Geosciences 1991 Singer Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance of Tuff Rings and Tuff Cones Senior Research Scientist Space Science Institute
Feierberg, Michael Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1981 Larson (Harold) Evidence for a Compositional Relationship Between Asteroids and Meteorites from… Scorer of Writing and Math Assessments ETS and Pearson
Fernandes, Rachel
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Pascucci Exoplanet Demographics Beyond Kepler: Giant Planets with Radial Velocity & Youn… Habitable Worlds Fellowship, President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Penn State University, Center for Exoplanets
Fevig, Ron Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Fink Orbit-Dependent Spectral Trends for the Near-Earth Asteroid Population Associate Professor, Space Studies University of North Dakota
Finney, Stephen M.S. Planetary Sciences 1988 Sonett The Spectrum of Radiocarbon
Flateau, Davin M.S. Planetary Sciences 2015 Apai Weather on Other Worlds IV: In-Depth Study of Photometric Variability and Radia… Adjunct Instructor University of Cincinnati
Florinski, Vladimir Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2001 Jokipii A Two-dimensional, Self-Consistent Model of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays … Professor, Space Science University of Alabama, Huntsville
Fortney, Jonathan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 Hubbard The Evoluation of Giant Planets Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics University of California, Santa Cruz
Fussner, Stephanie M.S. Planetary Sciences 2006 McEwen Search for 938 nm Specular Enhancement on Titan
Ganesh, Indujaa
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Carter Investigating Late-stage Explosive Eruptions on the Volcanic Rises of Mars and … Assistant Professor Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sci.
Gardner-Vandy, Kathryn G. Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2012 Lauretta Partial Melting on Fe0-rich Asteroids: Insights to the First Stage of Planetary… Assistant Professor of Aviation and Space Oklahoma State University
Geissler, Paul Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1992 Singer Spectrophotometric Mapping of Coprates Quadrangle, Mars Mission Interface lead for the Imaging Node U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Research Center, Flagstaff
Gibbard, Seran Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1996 Levy Lightening in the Solar System Research Scientist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Goldin, Tamara Ph.D. Geosciences 2008 Melosh Atmospheric Interactions During Global Deposition of Chicxulub Impact Ejecta Chief Editor Nature Geoscience
Gradie, Jonathan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1978 Zellner An Astrophysical Study of the Minor Planets in the Eos and Koronis Asteroid Fam… Chief Science Officer/VP/CEO STI, Inc./TerraSys, Inc.
Greenfield, Eric Ph.D. Physics 2015 Jokipii Multi-fluid Problems in Magnetohydrodynamics with Applications to Astrophysical… Physics Teacher Bishop Manogue Catholic High School
Grier, Jennifer Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1999 McEwen Determining the Ages of Impact Events: Multidisciplinary Studies Using Remote S… Senior Scientist, Education Specialist Planetary Science Institute
Grinspoon, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1989 Lewis Large Impact Events and Atmospheric Evolution on the Terrestrial Planets Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Grundy, William Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 Fink Methane and Nitrogen Ices on Pluto and Triton: A Combined Laboratory and Telesc… Astronomer Lowell Observatory
Gulick, Virginia
Ph.D. Geosciences 1993 Baker Magmatic Intrusions and Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for the Formation of… Research Professor LPL, University of Arizona
Gulick, Virginia
M.S. Geosciences 1987 Baker Origin and Evolution of Valleys on the Martian Volcanoes: The Hawaiian Analog Research Professor LPL, University of Arizona
Guo, Fan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2012 Giacalone Effects of Turbulent Magnetic Fields on the Transport and Acceleration of Energ… Research Scientist Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hall, Doyle Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1992 Shemansky Ultraviolet Resonance Radiation and the Structure of the Heliosphere Scientist Boeing LTS
Harner, Patrick M.S. Planetary Sciences 2015 Baker, Quade Carbonates and Other Salts in the Atacama Desert and on Mars, and the Implicati… Senior Attorney U.S. Government Accountability Office
Hartigan, Patrick Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Lada, Levy Observations and Bowshock Models of Herbig-Haro Objects Professor, Physics and Astronomy Rice University
Hartmann, William Ph.D. Astronomy 1966 Kuiper History of the Lunar Surface Senior Scientist Emeritus Planetary Science Institute
Hatheway, Allen Wayne Ph.D. Geosciences 1971 Lacy Lava Tubes and Collapse Depressions Consulting Geological Engineer
Hattori, Maki M.S. Planetary Sciences 2008 Hubbard Mass Loss of Highly Irradiated Extra-Solar Giant Planets Programmer Associate Global Science & Technology Inc
Hay, Hamish Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Matsuyama A Tale of Tides: Icy Satellites, Subsurface Oceans, and Tightly-Packed Planetar… Postdoctoral Research Assistant University of Oxford, Dept. of Earth Sciences
Hays, Naydene M.S. Planetary Sciences 2011 Drake Geochronology of Shergottite Meteorites: Using LA-MC-ICP-MS to Examine U-Th-Pb … Director of Tutoring Olympic College
Head, James Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1999 Melosh Fragmentaton and Ejection of the Martian Clan Meteorites Senior Principal Systems Engineer Raytheon Missile Systems
Hendler, Nathanial Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Pascucci Evolution of Protoplanetary Dust-Disk Sizes Senior Machine Learning Engineer FlightAware
Hicks, Michael Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1997 Fink A Spectrophotometric Survey of Comets and Earth-approaching Asteroids
Hildebrand, Alan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1992 Boynton Geochemistry and Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Impact Ejecta Associate Professor of Geoscience University of Calgary
Hillgren, Valerie Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Drake Partitioning Behavior of Moderately Siderophile Elements in Ni-Rich Systems: Im… Research Scientist Carnegie Institution of Washington
Hilton, Douglas Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Hunten A Partially Collisional Model of the Titan Hydrogen Torus
Hoppa, Greg Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1998 Greenberg Europa: Effects of Rotation and Tides on Tectonic Processes Senior Principal Systems Engineer Raytheon
Horst, Sarah Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2011 Yelle Post-Cassini Investigations of the Titan Atmospheric Chemistry Associate Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences Johns Hopkins University
Hostetler, Charles Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1982 Drake Equilibrium Properties of Some Silicate Materials: A Theoretical Study Senior Project Advisor SCS Engineers
Housen, Kevin Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1981 Wilkening The Stochastic Evolution of Asteroidal Regoliths and the Origin of Brecciated a… Scientist Boeing
Howell, Robert Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1980 Low Infrared Speckle Interferometry Emeritus Professor, Geology and Geophysics University of Wyoming
Howell, Ellen Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 Lebofsky Probing Asteroid Composition Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Research Professor LPL, University of Arizona
Hoxie, Dwight Thomas Ph.D. Astronomy 1969 Weymann The Structure and Evolution of Stars of Very Low Mass Retired U.S.G.S. Reston, Water Resources Division
Hurford, Terry Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2005 Greenberg Tides and Tidal Stress: Applications to Europa Planetary Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hutson, Melinda Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1996 Lewis Chemical Studies of Enstatite Chondrites Research Assistant Professor Portland State University
Jackson, Brian Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Greenberg Tidal Evolution of Extra-Solar Planets Associate Professor, Physics Boise State University
Jaeger, Windy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2005 Baker Select Problems in Planetary Structural Geology: Global-scale Tectonics on Io, …
Janes, Daniel Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Melosh Tectonics of One Plate Planets Retired
JeongAhn, Youngmin Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Malhotra Orbital Distribution of Minor Planets in the Inner Solar System and Their Impac… Scientist Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
Johnson, Jeffrey Ph.D. Geosciences 1994 Baker Geologic Investigations of the Venusian Surface Using Magellan Radar Imagery, A… Planetary Geologist Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Johnston, Jeffrey Ph.D. Physics 1992 Broadfoot Spectroscopic Observations of the Night Airglow From 3000 Å to 9200 Å
Jones, Thomas Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1988 Lewis An Infrared Reflectance Study of Water in Outer Belt Asteroids: Clues to Compos… Scientist, Author, Pilot, Veteran, Astronaut
Jones, Andrea M.S. Geosciences 2009 McEwen, Baker A Geomorphic Analysis of Hale Crater, Mars: The Effects of Impact Into Ice-Rich… Public Engagement Lead of Solar System Exploration Division NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Kareta, Theodore Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Harris, Reddy Activity and the Evolutionary State of Small Bodies Postdoctoral Research Associate Lowell Observatory
Kargel, Jeffrey Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Lewis Cryomagmatism in the Outer Solar System Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute (Tucson)
Karkoschka, Erich Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Tomasko Saturn's Atmosphere in the Visible and Near Infrared 1986-1989 Senior Staff Scientist LPL, University of Arizona
Kataria, Tiffany Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2014 Showman Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters and Super Earths Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Keane, James Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2017 Matsuyama Tidal-Rotational Dynamics of Solar System Worlds, from Mercury to Pluto Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Keller, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Greenberg, Showman Part I:Development of a Concept Inventory Addressing Student's Beliefs and Reas… Director, Fiske Planetarium University of Colorado, Boulder
Kerola, Dana Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences 1994 Larson, Tomasko Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of the Troposhere of Saturn Adjunct Assistant Professor Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dept. of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Kidder, Kenneth Ph.D. Physics 1991 Holberg Atmospheric Parameters of a Soft X-Ray Selected Set of Hot DA White Dwarfs
Ko, Chung-Ming Ph.D. Physics 1986 Jokipii Cosmic-Ray Modified Stellar Winds Professor, Associate Dean (College of Science) Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University (Taiwan)
Kolb Nolan, Kelly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 McEwen Investigating Evidence for Geologically Recent Liquid Water on Mars Exploration Geoscientist ExxonMobil
Kolb Nolan, Kelly M.S. Planetary Sciences 2008 McEwen Modeling Bright Gully Deposits' formation in Hale Crater, Mars: Implications fo… Exploration Geoscientist ExxonMobil
Komacek, Tad Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 Showman The Atmospheric Circulation and Evolution of Close-In Extrasolar Gas Giant Plan… Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow Oxford University
Komatsu, Goro Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Baker Channels and Valleys on Venus Senior Scientist and Associate Professor International Research School of Planetary Sciences and Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Universita d'Annunzio (Pescara, Italy)
Kopriva, David Ph.D. Applied Mathematics 1982 Jokipii A Stream Function Method for Computing Steady Rotational Transonic Flows With A… Professor (Retired), Mathematics Florida State University
Lanagan, Peter Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 McEwen Geological History of the Cerberus Plains, Mars Professor and Chair, Physical Sciences College of Southern Nevada
Landis, Margaret Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 Byrne Icy Craters on Mars and Ceres Research Associate LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
Leake, Martha Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1981 Strom The Intercrater Plains of Mercury and the Moon: Their Nature, Origin, and Role … Professor, Physics and Astronomy Valdosta State University
LeBertre, Thibault M.S. Planetary Sciences 1977 Fink Surface-Properties of Vesta Directeur de Recherches Observatoire de Paris
Lee, Thomas Alan Ph.D. Astronomy 1967 Johnson Interstellar Extinction in the Orion Association
Lejoly, Cassandra
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Harris The Effect of Dust in Small Bodies: A Sample of Jupiter Family Comets Research Scientist LPL, University of Arizona
Lemmon, Mark Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Tomasko Properties of Titan's Haze and Surface Senior Research Scientist, Planetary Sciences Space Science Institute
Leung, Cecilia Ph.D. Planetary Science 2020 McEwen Regional Atmospheric Dynamics of Water on Mars
Lew, Ben Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Apai Self-luminous Worlds with Exotic Clouds: Characterizing Clouds in Brown Dwarf A… Research Scientist Bay Area Environmental Research Institute/NASA Ames Research Center
Lewis, Nikole Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2012 Showman Atmospheric Circulation of Eccentric Extrasolar Giant Planets Associate Professor, Astronomy Cornell University
Lian, Yuan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Showman Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Dynamics on the Giant Planets Research Associate Ashima Research (Pasadena, CA)
Liang, Weigang Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Andrews-Hanna An Investigation of Early Lunar History Using Gravity Data Senior Systems Engineer Raytheon Missile Systems
Lo, Daniel Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Yelle Carbon Photochemistry and Escape in the Present-Day Mars Atmosphere Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Lora, Juan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2014 Russell Radiation and Dynamics in Titan's Atmosphere: Investigations of Titan's Present… Assistant Professor Yale University, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Lothringer, Joshua Ph.D. Planetary Science 2019 Barman Characterizing the Atmospheres of Exoplanet Populations: From Sub-Jovian to Ult… Assistant Astronomer Space Telescope Science Institute
MacFarlane, Joseph Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1983 Hubbard Theoretical Predictions for the Phase Stability of Dense Binary Mixtures President/Senior Scientist Prism Computational Sciences
Maleszewski, Chet M.S. Planetary Sciences 2018 Byrne
Maloney, Philip Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Black (J.H.) Global Properties of Molecular Clouds and the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies Senior Research Associate (Retired) University of Colorado, Boulder
Malvin, Daniel M.S. Planetary Sciences 1987 Drake Experimental Partitioning of Siderophile Elements in the Systems Iron-Nickel-Su…
Marcialis, Robert Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Lebofsky, Hubbard The Pluto-Charon System as Revealed During the Mutual Events
Marley, Mark S.
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Hubbard Nonradial Oscillations of Saturn: Implications for Ring System Structure Director, Department Head LPL, University of Arizona
Marsh, Celinda M.S. Planetary Sciences 2007 Lauretta Thermal Processing in Ordinary Chondrites: Development of the Fast Electron Mic… Budget Examiner U.S. Office of Management and Budget
Mastrapa, Rachel Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 Brown Water ice and radiation in the solar system Research Scientist SETI, NASA AMES Research Center
McCormack, John Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences 1996 Hood A Three-Dimensional Mechanistic Ozone Transport Model: Applications to Midlatit… Program Scientist NASA, Heliophysics Division
McEvoy, Erica Ph.D. Applied Mathematics 2017 Jokipii A Numerical Method for the Simulation of Skew Brownian Motion and its Applicati… NLP/Machine Learning Engineer Booz Allen Hamilton
McFarlane, Elisabeth Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Drake Differentiation in the Early Earth: An Experimental Investigation
McGraw, Allison Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Reddy Asteroid-Meteorite Linkages through Infrared Spectroscopy Physics Laboratory Manager Texas A&M, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
McLarty-Schroeder, Janet M.S. Planetary Sciences 1998 Strom Development, Assessment, and Applications of Planetary Sciences 109L: Explorati… Professor, Department Chair Cerritos College, Physics, Astronomy and Engineering Department
Melendrez, David M.S. Geosciences 1991 Baker Remote Sensing of Potential Lunar Resources Engineer, Imagery Integration lead, NASA Orion Program NASA, ARES Division
Meng, Huan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Rieke Characterizing Terrestrial Planet Formation with Young Debris Disks
Meng, Tyler
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2024 Holt Geophysical Measurement and Monitoring of Planetary Rock Glacier Surface Proces… Postdoctoral Research Associate Washington University, St. Louis
Merline, William Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 McMillan Observations of small-amplitude oscillations in the radial velocity of Arcturus Staff Scientist (Retired) Southwest Research Institute (Boulder)
Milazzo, Moses Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2005 McEwen Remote Sensing of Thermally Induced Activity on Io and Mars Scientist/Consultant
Miller, Kelly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2016 Lauretta The R Chondrite Record of Volatile Rich Environments in the Early Solar System Research Scientist Southwest Research Institute
Mills, Mackenzie Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2024 McEwen Evolutionary Landscapes and Resurfacing Processes of Planetary Surfaces
Minton, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Malhotra Dynamical History of the Asteroid Belt and Implications for Terrestrial Planet … Associate Professor, Planetary Systems and Surfaces Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Molaro, Jamie Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Byrne Stress, on the Rocks: Thermally Induced Stresses in Rocks and Microstructures o… Research Scientist Planetary Science Institute (CA)
Moores, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Smith (Peter) Effects of Insolation on Habitability and the Isotopic History of Martian Water Director, York University Earth and Space Science Program York University
Moro-Martin, Amaya Ph.D. Astronomy 2004 Malhotra Signatures of Planets in Circumstellar Debris Disks Associate Astronomer/Associate Research Scientist STScI/Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University
Morrison, Sarah Ph.D. Planetary Science 2017 Kratter The Dynamics and Implications of Gap Clearing via Planets in Planetesimal (Debr… Assistant Professor Missouri State University, Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science
Musselwhite, Don Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 Drake Experimental Geochemistry of Iodine, Argon and Xenon: Implications for the Outg… Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences University of Houston (Downtown)
Neish, Catherine Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Lunine Formation of Prebiotic Molecules in Liquid Water Environments on the Surface of… Associate Professor, Planetary Surfaces Western University, Ontario (Canada)
Newsom, Horton Ph.D. Geosciences 1982 Drake The Experimental Partitioning Behavior of Tungsten and Phosphorus: Implications…
Nolan, Michael Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Greenberg Delivery of Meteorites from the Asteroid Belt Research Professor LPL, University of Arizona
Noonan, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Harris The Comet Cipher: Understanding the Ultraviolet Emissions of Cometary Comae Postdoctoral Scholar Auburn University, Dept. of Physics
O'Brien, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 Greenberg The Collisional and Dynamical Evolution of the Main Belt, NEA and TNO Populatio… Astronomy Instructor, Senior Scientist Pima Community College (Tucson), Planetary Science Institute
O'Brien, Patrick Ph.D. Planetary Science 2022 Byrne The Rise and Fall of Lunar Topography Research Scientist LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder
Otarola Medel, Angel Custodio Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences 2008 Kursinski The Effects of Turbulence in an Absorbing Atmosphere on the Propagation of Micr… Atmosphere Scientist European Southern Observatory
Owen, Tobias Ph.D. Astronomy 1965 Kuiper Studies of Planetary Spectra in the Photographic Infrared
Palmer, Eric Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Brown Volatiles on Solar System Objects: Carbon Dioxide on Iapetus and Aqueous Altera… Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Palmer, Maureen M.S. Planetary Science 2022 Byrne
Pariev, Vladimir Ph.D. Astronomy 2001 Jokipii Magnetic Fields: Their Origin and Manifestation In Accretion Disks Around Super… Assistant to the Department Head PN Lebedev, Russian Academy of Sciences
Pasek, Matthew Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Lauretta Phosphorus and Sulfur Cosmochemistry: Implications for the Origins of Life Professor University of South Florida
Peacock, Sarah Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2019 Barman Predicting the Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Environment Around Low-Mass Stars Assistant Research Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Maryland
Pearce, Steven Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1995 Levy Core-Mantle Interactions Resulting from Sudden Changes in the Earth's Moment of… Lecturer, School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University
Pearson, Kyle Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Griffith The Detection and Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets Data Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pedicino, Jonathan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1996 Baker Climate Change on Mars: Modeling Possible Glaciers Professor, Astronomy, Planetary Sciences College of the Redwoods
Pei, Chunsheng Ph.D. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2007 Jokipii Solar Energetic Particle Transport in the Heliosphere
Pellicori, Samuel M.S. Optical Sciences 1969 Gehrels Polarizing Properties of Pulverized Materials: Applications to the Lunar Surface Consultant Pellicori Optical Consulting
Penteado, Paulo Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Griffith Study of Titan's Methane Cycle Data Visualization Developer NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Phillips, Cynthia Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 McEwen Voyager and Galileo SSI Views of Volcanic Resurfacing on Io and the Search for … Europa Project Science Communications Lead NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pierazzo, Elisabetta Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1997 Melosh The Chicxulub Impact Event and the Environmental Catastrophe at the End of the …
Pope, Shelly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1991 Tomasko Laboratory Measurements of the Single-Scattering Properties of Ammonia Ice Crys… Staff Scientist Raytheon
Preblich, Brandon M.S. Planetary Sciences 2005 McEwen Mapping Rays and Secondary Craters from Zunil, Mars Teacher Troy-Athens High School (Michigan)
Radebaugh, Jani Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2005 McEwen Formation and Evolution of Paterae on Jupiter's Moon Io Professor, Geological Sciences Brigham Young University
Ramprasad, Tarunika Ph.D. Materials Science Engineering 2023 Zega Reverse Engineering the Thermochemistry of the Early Solar Nebula Through Trans… Assistant Research Scientist Johns Hopkins University
Rao, Anupama M.N. Ph.D. Applied Mathematics 2001 Lunine Titan, Triton, Pluto, and Kuiper Belt Objects: A Study of Past and Present Atmo…
Reid, Robert M.S. Planetary Sciences 1997 Smith (Peter) Spectrophotometic Calibration of Imager for Mars Pathfinder Datasets Senior Software Engineer FreeWave Technologies (Denver)
Richardson, James Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2005 Melosh, Greenberg The Seismic Effect of Impacts on Asteroid Surface Morphology Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Rivkin, Andrew Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1997 Lebofsky Observations of Main-Belt Asteroids in the 3-micron Region Planetary Astronomer Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Rizk, Bashar Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1991 Hunten Observations and Modelling of the Martian Water Vapor Budget for 1988-1989 Senior Staff Scientist LPL, University of Arizona
Ruzicka, Alex Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1996 Boynton Petrologic-Kinetic Studies of Meteorites Professor, Geology Portland State University
Ryan, Eileen Ph.D. Geosciences 1992 Melosh Catastrophic Collisions: Laboratory Impact Experiments, Hydrocode Simulations, … Director/Adjunct Professor of Physics Magdalena Ridge 2.4m Telescope/New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology
Sayanagi, Kunio Ph.D. Physics 2007 Showman Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Jet Streams on Jupiter and Saturn: Their Form… Associate Professor Hampton University
Schad, Thomas Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2013 Giacalone Spectropolarimetry of Fine Magnetized Structures in the Upper Solar Atmosphere Associate Astronomer National Solar Observatory, Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope
Schaefer, Ethan Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 McEwen Quantifying Geomorphic Features: Relative Albedos, Skeletonization, and Multifr… Staff Scientist Washington University in St. Louis
Schaller, Christian M.S. Planetary Sciences 1998 Greenberg Venus Ejecta Parabolas: Comparing Theory with Observation Software Engineer, Spacecraft Operations LPL, University of Arizona
Schneider, Nicholas Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1988 Hunten Sodium in Io's Extended Atmosphere Professor University of Colorado, Boulder, Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
Schrader, Devin Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2012 Lauretta The Formation and Alteration of the Renazzo-like Carbonaceous Chondrites Associate Research Professor Arizona State University, Center for Meteorite Studies/School of Earth and Space Exploration
Sears, William Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Lunine Tidal Effects on the Evolution of Titan Embedded Engineer Ag Leader Technology
Seifert, Laura Ph.D. Planetary Science 2023 Zega Dust Condensation in Circumstellar Environments: Insight from Chemical and Micr… NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow NASA Johnson Space Center
Sharkey, Benjamin
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Reddy From Earth to Neptune: The Mineralogical Properties of Small Planetary Satellit… Visiting Senior Faculty Specialist University of Maryland
Sharma, Priyanka Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2012 Byrne Investigations of Titan's Topography and Surface Roughness System Engineer NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sheffer, Abigail Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2007 Melosh Chemical Reduction of Silicates by Meteorite Impacts and Lightning Strikes Senior Program Officer National Academies, Division on Engineering and Physical Studies, Space Studies Board
Shoemaker, Emileigh Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Carter Investigating Volcanic Environments on Mars and Earth Using Radar NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow Goddard Space Flight Center
Simon, Molly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2019 Impey Part I: How Did We Get Here? College Students' Preinstructional Ideas on the To… Assistant Professor Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Sing, David Ph.D. Physics 2005 Holberg Post Common Envelope Pre-Cataclysmic and Cataclysmic Variable Binaries Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Astrophysics Johns Hopkins University, Depts. Physics and Astronomy
Slattery, Wayne Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1976 Hubbard The Structure of the Planets Jupiter and Saturn Research Scientist Los Alamos National Laboratory
Slick, Lindsay M.S. Planetary Sciences 2020 Zega
Smith, Peter Ph.D. Optical Sciences 2009 Drake Water at the PHOENIX Landing Site Professor Emeritus LPL, University of Arizona
Spencer, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Strom The Surfaces of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto: An Investigation Using Voyager … Institute Scientist Southwest Research Institute (Boulder)
Spitale, Joseph Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2001 Greenberg Detailed Study of the Yarkovsky Effect on Asteroids and Solar System Implicatio… Instructional Specialist LPL, University of Arizona
Spitz, Anna Ph.D. Geosciences 1991 Boynton Trace Element Analysis of Ureilite Meteorites and Implications for their Petrog… Senior Program Director (Retired) Institute for the Environment, University of Arizona
Sprague, Ann Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1990 Hunten An Observational Comparison of Mercury and the Moon Senior Research Associate (Retired) LPL, University of Arizona
Springmann, Alessondra "Sondy" Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Harris Heating of Small Solar System Body Materials Postdoctoral Research Associate Southwest Research Institute (Boulder)
Stadermann, Amanda
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Barnes Investigation into Igneous Lithologies and Impact Processes in the Earth-Moon S… NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow NASA Johnson Space Center
Stansberry, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1994 Lunine Surface-Atmosphere Coupling on Triton and Pluto Instrument Scientist Space Telescope Science Institute
Steinrueck, Maria
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Koskinen Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters: Implications of Disequilibrium Chemist… 51 Pegasi b Fellow University of Chicago
Stepinski, Tomasz Ph.D. Applied Mathematics 1986 Levy Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamo in Disc-Like Astrophysical Bodies Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor, Geography University of Cincinnati
Stoll, Clifford Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1980 Tomasko Polarimetry of Jupiter at Large Phase Angles Author; owner/operator Acme Klein Bottles
Stone, Shane Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2021 Yelle Martian Upper Atmospheric Thermal Structure, Composition, and Water and their S… Research Space Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Sun, Peng Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2016 Jokipii Charged-Particle Transport in Turbulent Magnetic Fields Software Engineer EY
Sutton, Sarah
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Hamilton Fissure-fed Volcanism on Mars and Earth Research Scientist, Photogrammetry & Image Processing, HiRISE LPL, University of Arizona
Sykes, Mark Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1986 Hunten IRAS Observations of Asteroid Dust Bands and Cometary Dust Trails Director Planetary Science Institute
Tan, Xianyu Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2018 Showman Atmospheric Circulation of Brown Dwarfs and Directly Imaged Extrasolar Giant Pl… Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Oxford, Dept. of Physics
Tang, Harry Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2024 Lauretta Investigating the Surface Evolution of Bennu and Rubble Pile Asteroids through …
Teske, Johanna Ph.D. Astronomy 2014 Griffith Connecting the Dots: Investigating Planet Formation and Composition Through Obs… Staff Scientist Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science
Tholen, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1984 Zellner Asteroid Taxonomy from Cluster Analysis of Photometry Astronomer University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy
Thompson, Michelle Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2016 Zega Understanding Space Weathering of Asteroids and the Lunar Surface: Analysis of … Associate Professor Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Tiscareno, Matthew Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2004 Malhotra Chaotic Diffusion in the Outer Solar System, and Other Topics Senior Research Scientist SETI, NASA Ames Research Center
Tonks, William Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Melosh The Thermal Consequences of Giant Impacts in the Early Solar System Professor, Physics Brigham Young University (Idaho)
Trilling, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1999 Brown, Lunine A Theoretical and Observational Study of the Formation and Evolution of Planeta… Professor and Department Chair, Astronomy and Planetary Science Northern Arizona University
Tufts, Randy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences, Geosciences 1998 Baker, Greenberg Lithospheric Displacement Features on Europa and Their Interpretation
Turtle, Elizabeth Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1998 Melosh Finite-Element Modeling of Large Impact Craters: Implications for the Size of t… Planetary Scientist Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Van Laerhoven, Christa Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2014 Greenberg Multi-Planet Extra-Solar Systems: Tides and Classical Secular Theory Planetary Scientist and Educator
Vervack, Ron Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1997 Sandel Titan's Upper Atmospheric Structure Derived from Voyager Ultraviolet Spectromet… Senior Research Staff Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Vilas, Faith Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1984 Smith (Brad) The Nature and Origin of Outer Solar System Asteroids from Reflectance Spectrop… Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Viola, Donna Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2017 McEwen Expanded Craters on Mars: Implications for Shallow, Mid-Latitide Excess Ice KBR Contractor (KBR) U.S.G.S. Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Voigt, Joana Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2022 Hamilton Effusive Volcanism on Earth and Mars Postdoctoral Research Associate NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Volk, Kathryn Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2013 Malhotra Dynamical Studies of the Kuiper Belt and the Centaurs Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
Vriesema, Jess Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Yelle Modelling Electrodynamics in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere Lecturer University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Physics and Astronomy
Wacker, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1982 Wilkening Composition of Noble Gases in the Abee Meteorite, and the Origin of the Enstati… Laboratory Fellow Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Wang, Yiping Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Yelle Energy balance and solar heating in Neptune's upper Atmosphere
Wegryn, Eric Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Tomasko The Dusty Atmosphere of Mars: A Study of the Properties of Martian Aerosol Dust… Astronomy Instructor West Valley College
Weirich, John Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2011 Swindle Improvements to Argon-Argon Dating of Extraterrestrial Materials Senior Scientist Planetary Science Institute
West, Robert Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1977 Tomasko Spacially Resolved Photometry of Jupiter in the 6190, 7250, and 8900 Methane Ba… Senior Research Scientist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Wilking, Bruce Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1981 Rieke Start Formation in the Rho Ophiuchi Dark Cloud Professor Emeritus, Physics and Astronomy University of Missouri (St. Louis)
Williams, Lance Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1993 Jokipii A Single-Fluid, Self-Consistent Formulation of Particle Transport and Fluid Dyn… Director Konfluence Research Institute
Withers, Paul Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2003 Bougher Tides in the Martian Atmosphere, and Other Topics Professor of Astronomy; Chair of Astronomy Boston University
Wood, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Strom Effects of Airbursts on the Surface of Venus Professor of Astronomy and Interim Chair of Natural Sciences San Antonio College
Wood, Charles M.S. Geosciences 1972 Sumner Reconnaissance Geology and Geophysics of the Pinacate Craters, Sonora, Mexico
Zakharian, Aramais Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Jokipii Numerical Studies of Waves and Particle Acceleration in Shocks Research Associate, Faculty of Science and Technology Corning, Inc.
Zellem, Robert Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2015 Griffith Observing Transiting Exoplanets: Removing Systematic Errors to Constrain Atmosp… Deputy Project Scientist for Communications, Roman Space Telescope NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Zellner, Benjamin Ph.D. Astronomy 1970 Gehrels Polarization in Reflection Nebulae
Zhang, Shunbin M.S. Planetary Sciences 1996 Bougher The Impact of Gravity Waves on the Venus Upper Atmosphere Programmer Analyst