Robert Strom

PTYS/LPL Faculty

Robert Strom

Ph.D., 2011, University of Redlands

Years with LPL: 1963-present

Lunar and planetary surfaces

Former Spacecraft Involvement

  • Apollo 8, 10, and 11: Lunar Operations Working Group
  • Mariner 10 (Venus/Mercury), Deputy Team Leader (Imaging Experiment)
  • Voyager 1 and 2, Imaging Team Member
  • MESSENGER (Science Team Member)

Student Collaborations/Advising

  • David Wood, 2000 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Douglas Dawson, 1998 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Janet McLarty-Schroeder, 1998 (M.S. PTYS)
  • Nadine Barlow, 1987 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • John Spencer, 1987 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Larry Crumpler, 1983 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Martha Leake, 1981 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Bruce Cordell, 1977 (Ph.D. PTYS)
  • Carlton Allen, 1972 (M.S. Geosciences), 1979 (Ph.D. Astronomy)

Former Postdocs

  • Steven Croft
  • William McKinnon
  • Alex Woronow

Complete Publications list available from: NASA ADS Author Search: Robert Strom

Selected Publications: Calendar Year 2016 thru July 2018

Strom, R. G., Marchi, S., Malhotra, R. Ceres and the terrestrial planets impact cratering record 2018Icar..302..104S


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