SUN-day on Saturday

SUN-day on Saturday

Dolores Hill taught the crowd how to make comets.

The Sun was the star of the show on June 12, 2010, as LPL and the National Solar Observatory hosted a public day dedicated to all things solar. There were many kid-friendly events, including Physics Factory and comet building.

Students for the Exploration of Space and the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association brought solar telescopes to the UA mall in front of Kuiper, and adults got to listen to science talks by Joe Giacalone, Frank Hill, Tom Schad, William Livingston. And, it's not every day you get to inspect an 18-ft inflatable model of the Sun. The event was a great success---a fun, family-friendly way to spend a Saturday.

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) taught visitors about the scale of the solar system    

Puppet showThe Arizona Cancer Center's Skin Cancer Institute gave kids the scoop on sun safety

NSO provided a giant inflatable sun populated with sunspots
(Images courtesy: Dyer Lytle)