Arizona/NASA Space Grant
The Arizona/NASA Space Grant Consortium, headquartered at LPL, contributes to the nation's science enterprise by implementing research, education and public service projects through a national network of university-based Space Grant consortia.

Catalina Sky Survey Outreach
Do you have questions about near-Earth asteroids, NEO surveying, the Catalina Sky Survey, asteroid science, or comets?

Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter
Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter is an exceptional science learning facility located at Steward Observatory's "sky island" observing site. The SkyCenter builds upon the uniqueness of the 9,157 foot summit of Mt. Lemmon and the extensive knowledge base at the University of Arizona to deliver educational programs, including SkyNights StarGazing Program and UA Sky School.

Space Drafts
Space Drafts is Tucson’s flavor of Astronomy on Tap. Talks are held one Wednesday of every month at one of Tucson’s finest microbreweries, The Borderlands Brewing Company (119 E. Toole Ave., Tucson) at 7.00pm.
Space Drafts is free and open to all ages (of humans and dogs alike).

The Art of Planetary Science (TAPS)
The Art of Planetary Science is an annual art exhibition run that celebrates the beauty and elegance of science. Founded by LPL graduate students in 2013 as a public outreach project to engage the local community in our work, it continues to be organized and run by volunteer students each year. The event is a bridge between the local science and art communities, and demonstrates how the scientific and artistic processes are interconnected.

BeautifulMars Project
We have a simple philosophy: HiRISE is “the people’s camera” because we believe that knowledge about Mars belongs to everyone. The BeautifulMars Project, which helps us talk to people who want to learn about Mars but may have little–to–no English skills.

Arizona Scale Model Solar System
The Arizona Scale Model Solar System lets you stroll from the Sun to Pluto. The size of each object and the distances between them are shown at a 1 to 5 billion scale. The model extends 0.68 miles along the University of Arizona Mall, starting with the Sun, located outside the Kuiper Space Science Building on the east, and beyond west Main Gate.