LPL Alumni at DPS

LPL Alumni at DPS

The 49th meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society (“DPS” for short) had a strong LPL flavor to it, as it often does. The meeting, October 15-20, was organized by LPL alum (and member of the LPL External Advisory Board) Jani Radebaugh (2005) in Provo, Utah, where she is an Associate Professor of Geological Sciences at Brigham Young University. LPL alumni Sarah Hörst (2011) and Matt Tiscareno (2004) gave plenary talks, and many LPL faculty, staff, students, and alumni presented posters and oral presentations. LPL alum Jamie Molaro (2015) again organized an Art of Planetary Science exhibition for the conference, modeled after the successful version that she developed as a grad student in Tucson, and LPL sponsored the show. Finally, the DPS leadership continues to have a strong LPL influence, with eight LPL alumni and an LPL faculty member in leadership roles, along with several others with LPL ties (such as former students from other UA departments and postdocs). And next year’s meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee is being organized by alum Josh Emery (2002) and UA Geosciences alum Devon Burr (2003). 

Photo of DPS meeting
LPL alums took some time during this year's October DPS meeting to catch-up and relax (photo: Alessondra Springmann)