PTYS/LPL Faculty

Shane Byrne (He/Him)
Ph.D., 2003, California Institute of Technology
Years with LPL: 2007 to present
Astrobiology, Photogrammetry, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Geophysics, Planetary Surfaces, Titan & Outer Solar System
I am interested in surface processes on planetary bodies throughout the solar system, especially those processes that affect, or are driven by, planetary ices. I enjoy working with a diverse group of graduate students and postdocs. Our areas of activity include Martian ice stability, polar stratigraphy and connection to past climates; Ceres ice, both cryovolcanic and as a source of water vapor; and ice-sublimation landforms on a variety of bodies.
Missions are a big part of what we do. I’m a co-Investigator on the HiRISE and CaSSIS cameras at Mars and a Guest Investigator on the Dawn mission at Ceres. I’m also the director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility. We archive planetary spacecraft and telescopic data not available online and conduct many outreach events.
Current Grants
- Linking climate and geology: The recent accumulation of north polar ice on Mars
- Physical and chemical evolution of airless landscapes
- Volatiles on Ceres
- Climatic Implications Of Non-Perennial Martian Water Frosts
- Support for the Space Imagery Center: A NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility
- Digitization And Public Archiving Of The Surveyor Imaging Dataset
- Cold-Lightweight Imagers for Europa (C-LIFE)
Current Spacecraft Involvement
Dawn, ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, HiRISE (MRO), Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Polar Lander, Surveyor Program- High Resolution Science Experiment (HiRISE): Acting-PI
- Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS): Co-Investigator
Former Spacecraft Involvement
- Dawn at Ceres: Guest Investigator
- High-Resolution Stereo Color Imager (HiSCI): Deputy-PI
- Chronos Mars-scout proposal (2006) Co-Investigator
- MOSAIC Mars-scout proposal (2006) Co-Investigator
- Boreale Explorer Mars-scout proposal (2006) Co-Investigator
- Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) (2002-2006)
- MIT manned lunar exploration initiative (2004-2005)
- Landing site selection, Mars Polar Lander (1999)
Current Graduate Students
Student Collaborations/Advising
Former Students
- Patrick O'Brien, 2022 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Ali Bramson, 2018 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Margaret Landis, 2018 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Jonathan Bapst, 2018 (Ph.D. U. Washington)
- Patricio Becerra, 2016 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Jamie Molaro, 2015 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Priyanka Sharma, 2012 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Serina Diniega, 2010 (Ph.D. Applied Mathematics)
Former Postdocs
- Jonathan Bapst
- Michael Sori
Current Research/Staff Scientists
- Michael Sori
Based on Google Scholar and NASA ADS: NASA ADS Author search: Shane Byrne
Recent refereed publications: Years 2019 through 2024
Hansen, C. J., Byrne, S., Calvin, W. M., Diniega, S., Dundas, C. M., Hayne, P. O., McEwen, A. S., McKeown, L. E., Piqueux, S., Portyankina, G., Schwamb, M. E., Titus, T. N., & Widmer, J. M. 2024, Icarus. A comparison of CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal activity in Mars' northern and southern hemispheres
Landis, M. E., Dundas, C. M., McEwen, A. S., Daubar, I. J., Hayne, P. O., Byrne, S., Sutton, S. S., Rangarajan, V. G., Tornabene, L. L., Britton, A., & Herkenhoff, K. E. 2024, Icarus. New, dated small impacts on the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD), Mars, and implications for shallow subsurface properties
McEwen, A. S., Byrne, S., Hansen, C., Daubar, I. J., Sutton, S., Dundas, C. M., Bardabelias, N., Baugh, N., Bergstrom, J., Beyer, R., Block, K. M., Bray, V. J., Bridges, J. C., Chojnacki, M., Conway, S. J., Delamere, W. A., Ebben, T., Espinosa, A., Fennema, A., Grant, J., Gulick, V. C., Herkenhoff, K. E., Heyd, R., Leis, R., Ojha, L., Papendick, S., Schaller, C., Thomas, N., Tornabene, L. L., Weitz, C., & Wilson, S. A. 2024, Icarus. The high-resolution imaging science experiment (HiRISE) in the MRO extended science phases (2009–2023)
Rangarajan, V. G., Tornabene, L. L., Osinski, G. R., Dundas, C. M., Beyer, R. A., Herkenhoff, K. E., Byrne, S., Heyd, R., Seelos, F. P., Munaretto, G., & Dapremont, A. 2024, Icarus. Novel quantitative methods to enable multispectral identification of high-purity water ice exposures on Mars using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images
Zurek, Richard, Tamppari, Leslie, Johnston, M. Dan, Murchie, Scott, McEwen, Alfred, Byrne, Shane, Seu, Roberto, Putzig, Nathaniel, Kass, David, Malin, Michael, & Cantor, Bruce 2024, Icarus. MRO overview: Sixteen years in Mars orbit
Izquierdo, K., Bramson, A. M., McClintock, T., Laferriere, K. L., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., & Smith, I. 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research. Local ice mass balance rates via Bayesian analysis of Mars polar trough migration
Almeida, M., Read, M., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Becerra, P., Borrini, G., Byrne, S., Gruber, M., Heyd, R., Marriner, C. M., McArthur, G., McEwen, A. S., Pommerol, A., Perry, J., & Schaller, C. 2023, Planetary and Space Science. Targeting and image acquisition of Martian surface features with TGO/CaSSIS
Dundas, Colin M., Mellon, Michael T., Posiolova, Liliya V., Miljković, Katarina, Collins, Gareth S., Tornabene, Livio L., Rangarajan, Vidhya Ganesh, Golombek, Matthew P., Warner, Nicholas H., Daubar, Ingrid J., Byrne, Shane, McEwen, Alfred S., Seelos, Kimberly D., Viola, Donna, Bramson, Ali M., & Speth, Gunnar 2023, Geophysical Research Letters. A Large New Crater Exposes the Limits of Water Ice on Mars
O'Brien, Patrick & Byrne, Shane 2022, The Planetary Science Journal. Degradation of the Lunar Surface by Small Impacts
O'Brien, Patrick & Byrne, Shane 2022, The Planetary Science Journal. Double Shadows at the Lunar Poles
Sutton, Sarah S., Chojnacki, Matthew, McEwen, Alfred S., Kirk, Randolph L., Dundas, Colin M., Schaefer, Ethan I., Conway, Susan J., Diniega, Serina, Portyankina, Ganna, Landis, Margaret E., Baugh, Nicole F., Heyd, Rodney, Byrne, Shane, Tornabene, Livio L., Ojha, Lujendra, & Hamilton, Christopher W. 2022, Remote Sensing. Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
Perry, Jason E., Heyd, Rodney, Read, Matthew, Tornabene, Livio L., Sutton, Sarah S., Byrne, Shane, Thomas, Nicolas, Fennema, Audrie, McEwen, Alfred, & Berry, Kristin 2022, Planetary and Space Science. Geometric processing of TGO CaSSIS observations
Sori, Michael M., Becerra, Patricio, Bapst, Jonathan, Byrne, Shane, & McGlasson, Riley A. 2022, Geophysical Research Letters. Orbital Forcing of Martian Climate Revealed in a South Polar Outlier Ice Deposit
Wei, Guangfei, Byrne, Shane, Li, Xiongyao, Feng, Jianqing, & Siegler, Matthew A. 2022, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. A New Method to Evaluate and Modify Chang'E-2 Microwave Radiometer Low-Frequency Data Constrained From Diviner Thermal Measurements
Dundas, Colin M., Becerra, Patricio, Byrne, Shane, Chojnacki, Matthew, Daubar, Ingrid J., Diniega, Serina, Hansen, Candice J., Herkenhoff, Kenneth E., Landis, Margaret E., McEwen, Alfred S., Portyankina, Ganna, & Valantinas, Adomas 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Active Mars: A Dynamic World
O'Brien, P. & Byrne, S. 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Physical and Chemical Evolution of Lunar Mare Regolith
Becerra, P., Byrne, S., Brown, A. J. 2021, Icarus Corrigendum to "Transient bright "Halos" on the South Polar residual cap of mars: Implications for mass-balance" [Icarus 251 (2015) 211-225]
Dundas, C. M., Mellon, M. T., Conway, S. J., Daubar, I. J., Williams, K. E., Ojha, L., Wray, J. J., Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., Posiolova, L. V., Speth, G., Viola, D., Landis, M. E., Morgan, G. A., Pathare, A. V. 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) Widespread Exposures of Extensive Clean Shallow Ice in the Midlatitudes of Mars
Wei, Guangfei, Byrne, Shane, Li, Xiongyao, & Hu, Guoping 2020, The Planetary Science Journal. Lunar Surface and Buried Rock Abundance Retrieved from Chang'E-2 Microwave and Diviner Data
Martellato, E., Bramson, A. M., Cremonese, G., Lucchetti, A., Marzari, F., Massironi, M., Re, C., & Byrne, S. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Martian Ice Revealed by Modeling of Simple Terraced Crater Formation
Cook, Claire, Byrne, Shane, d'Aubigny, Christian Drouet, Viola, Donna, Mikucki, Jill, & Ellis, Walther 2020, The Planetary Science Journal. Detection Limits for Chiral Amino Acids Using a Polarization Camera
Cook, Claire W., Bramson, Ali M., Byrne, Shane, Holt, John W., Christoffersen, Michael S., Viola, Donna, Dundas, Colin M., & Goudge, Timothy A. 2020, Icarus. Sparse subsurface radar reflectors in Hellas Planitia, Mars
Smith, Isaac B., Hayne, Paul O., Byrne, Shane, Becerra, Patricio, Kahre, Melinda, Calvin, Wendy, Hvidberg, Christine, Milkovich, Sarah, Buhler, Peter, Landis, Margaret, Horgan, Briony, Kleinböhl, Armin, Perry, Matthew R., Obbard, Rachel, Stern, Jennifer, Piqueux, Sylvain, Thomas, Nicolas, Zacny, Kris, Carter, Lynn, Edgar, Lauren, Emmett, Jeremy, Navarro, Thomas, Hanley, Jennifer, Koutnik, Michelle, Putzig, Nathaniel, Henderson, Bryana L., Holt, John W., Ehlmann, Bethany, Parra, Sergio, Lalich, Daniel, Hansen, Candice, Hecht, Michael, Banfield, Don, Herkenhoff, Ken, Paige, David A., Skidmore, Mark, Staehle, Robert L., & Siegler, Matthew 2020, Planetary and Space Science. The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits
Duarte, K. D., Schmidt, B. E., Chilton, H. T., Hughson, K. H. G., Sizemore, H. G., Ferrier, K. L., Buffo, J. J., Scully, J. E. C., Nathues, A., Platz, T., Landis, M., Byrne, S., Bland, M., Russell, C. T., & Raymond, C. A. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and Geologic Context
Sori, Michael M., Bapst, Jonathan, Becerra, Patricio, & Byrne, Shane 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Islands of ice on Mars and Pluto
Chilton, H. T., Schmidt, B. E., Duarte, K., Ferrier, K. L., Hughson, K. H. G., Scully, J. E. C., Wray, J. J., Sizemore, H. G., Nathues, A., Platz, T., Schorghofer, N., Schenk, P. M., Landis, M. E., Bland, M., Byrne, S., Russell, C. T. R., & Raymond, C. A. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Landslides on Ceres: Inferences Into Ice Content and Layering in the Upper Crust
Bapst, J., Byrne, S., Bandfield, J. L., & Hayne, P. O. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Thermophysical Properties of the North Polar Residual Cap using Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer
Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., Smith, I. B., & McClintock, T. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). A Migration Model for the Polar Spiral Troughs of Mars
Ruesch, O., Quick, L. C., Landis, M. E., Sori, M. M., Čadek, O., Brož, P., Otto, K. A., Bland, M. T., Byrne, S., Castillo-Rogez, J. C., Hiesinger, H., Jaumann, R., Krohn, K., McFadden, L. A., Nathues, A., Neesemann, A., Preusker, F., Roatsch, T., Schenk, P. M., Scully, J. E. C., Sykes, M. V., Williams, D. A., Raymond, C. A., & Russell, C. T. 2019, Icarus. Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains
Landis, M. E., Byrne, S., Combe, J. -Ph., Marchi, S., Castillo-Rogez, J., Sizemore, H. G., Schörghofer, N., Prettyman, T. H., Hayne, P. O., Raymond, C. A., & Russell, C. T. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Water Vapor Contribution to Ceres' Exosphere From Observed Surface Ice and Postulated Ice-Exposing Impacts
Combe, Jean-Philippe, Raponi, Andrea, Tosi, Federico, De Sanctis, Maria Cristina, Carrozzo, Filippo Giacomo, Zambon, Francesca, Ammannito, Eleonora, Hughson, Kynan H. G., Nathues, Andreas, Hoffmann, Martin, Platz, Thomas, Thangjam, Guneshwar, Schorghofer, Norbert, Schröder, Stefan, Byrne, Shane, Landis, Margaret E., Ruesch, Ottaviano, McCord, Thomas B., Johnson, Katherine E., Singh, Sandeep Magar, Raymond, Carol A., & Russell, Christopher T. 2019, Icarus. Exposed H<SUB>2</SUB>O-rich areas detected on Ceres with the dawn visible and infrared mapping spectrometer
Dundas, C. M., McEwen, Alfred S., Diniega, S., Hansen, C. J., Byrne, S., & McElwaine, J. N. 2019, Geological Society of London Special Publications. The formation of gullies on Mars today
- UArizona-Led HiRISE Camera Helped Guide Mars Rover to the Perfect Spot - February 24, 2021
- Mapping the Moon and Worlds Beyond - July 16, 2019
- Exploring A Desert Portal to Other Worlds - July 8, 2019
- How the UA Guided Men to the Moon - June 26, 2019
- Ceres Takes Life an Ice Volcano at a Time - September 14, 2018
- Steep Slopes on Mars Reveal Structure of Buried Ice - January 12, 2018
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Semester | Course | Day/Time | Location | Resources | |
Fall 2023 | PTYS/GEOS 554-1 | Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-1:45p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Fall 2024 | PTYS/GEOS 551-001 | Tuesday, Thursday 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Fall 2024 | PTYS/GEOS 551-001A | Friday 11:00a.m.-1:50p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2025 | PTYS 590-001 | Friday 3:00-5:00p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Semester | Course | Day/Time | Location | Resources | |
Spring 2023 | PTYS 590-1 | Friday 3:00-5:00p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Fall 2022 | PTYS/GEOS 551-001 | 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Fall 2022 | PTYS/GEOS 551-001A | Friday 11:00a.m.-12:50p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2022 | PTYS 590-1 | Friday 3:00-5:00p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Fall 2021 | PTYS/GEOS 554-1 | Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-1:45p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L | Fieldtrip wiki |
Spring 2021 | PTYS/GEOS 551-1 | Tuesday, Thursday 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2021 | PTYS/GEOS 551-1A | Friday 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. | Kuiper 330 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2020 | PTYS 590-1 | Friday 3:00-5:00pm | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
Fall 2019 | PTYS/GEOS 554-1 | Monday, Wednesday 11:00-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
Spring 2019 | PTYS 590-1 | Friday 3:00-5:00pm | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
Spring 2018 | PTYS 590-1 | Friday 3:00-5:00pm | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
Fall 2017 | PTYS/GEOS 554-1 | Tuesday, Thursday TR 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
- HiRISE Imaging of Mars Landing Sites, Landers, and Rovers - July 28, 2012
LPL Evening Lectures
- Ice Cores and Climates in an Alien World - November 11, 2019
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