Stefano Nerozzi

PTYS/LPL Faculty

Stefano Nerozzi (he/him/his)

Ph.D., 2019, The University of Texas at Austin

Years with LPL: 2025 to present

Earth, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Geophysics, Planetary Surfaces

I'm an Italian planetary geologist interested in surface processes and near-subsurface geology and geophysics. My main area of expertise is remote sensing with a focus on radar sounding. I study a wide variety of geological features on Mars, ranging from polar deposits to low-latitude outflow channels systems. On Earth, I study debris covered glaciers as analogs to mid-latitude glaciers on Mars via ground penetrating radar, passive seismic techniques, and thermal profilers. I have a strong interest in instrument development, which ranges from modification of commercial seismometers to the design and construction of thermal profilers and environmental sensors.

Stefano is the PI on a funded MDAP project that employs a wide variety of radar sounding and geologic mapping techniques to reveal the nature of icy sedimentary deposits comprised within the so-called basal unit at the north pole of Mars.

Until recently, Stefano was the Science PI on a selected NASA Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP) proposal to study the fluvial and volcanic history of outflow channel systems in Utopia Planitia, Mars. This project integrated several remote sensing techniques to unravel the history of landforms shaped by ancient water flows and interactions between volcanic processes and ground ice.

He currently mentors an enthusiastic and diverse team of two undergraduate research assistants, who assist him in his research work and conduct exploratory investigations for future projects.

Stefano's past postdoctoral research work at UT Austin involved processing and analysis of Gamma Ray Spectrometer elemental concentration data from Mars Odyssey to reveal possible formation mechanisms of boulder halos and their spatial relationship with mapped geologic units and terrain surface composition.

His doctoral research focused on constraining which driving forces and surface processes are responsible for the initial emplacement of the north polar cap of Mars in the Late Amazonian. This work included stratigraphy and morphology mapping via orbital radar and high-resolution imagery, and climate modeling with general circulation models.

Stefano have many other interests, including the design and construction of electronic measurement devices for geophysical application on debris covered glaciers, such as ground temperature profilers and 3D-component seismometers for passive seismic microtremor studies. He also has a growing interest and involvement in instrument development, such as landed and orbital radar sounders.

Current Grants

PI: Reconstructing the stratigraphy, composition, and climate record of the north polar basal unit, Mars, NASA Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP).

Current Spacecraft Involvement

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Student Collaborations/Advising

Reed Spurling

Maia Willis-Reddick

Complete publications list available from: NASA ADS Author Search: Stefano Nerozzi

Recent refereed publications (NASA ADS): Years 2019 through June 2024

Voigt, J. R. C., Hamilton, C. W., Steinbrügge, G., Christoffersen, M. S., Nerozzi, S., Kerber, L., Holt, J. W., & Carter, L. M. 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Revealing Elysium Planitia's Young Geologic History: Constraints on Lava Emplacement, Areas, and Volumes

Nerozzi, Stefano, Christoffersen, Michael S., Holt, John W., & Hamilton, Christopher W. 2023, Remote Sensing. Evidence of Widespread Volcanic Activity near Hebrus Valles on Mars Revealed by SHARAD

Putzig, Nathaniel E., Foss, Frederick J., Campbell, Bruce A., Holt, John W., Perry, Matthew R., Smith, Isaac B., Russell, Aaron T., Nerozzi, Stefano, Christoffersen, Michael S., Mueller, Isabella H., & Sava, Paul C. 2022, The Planetary Science Journal. New Views of the Internal Structure of Planum Boreum from Enhanced 3D Imaging of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar Data

Nerozzi, Stefano, Ortiz, Maya R., & Holt, John W. 2022, Icarus. The north polar basal unit of Mars: An Amazonian record of surface processes and climate events

Becerra, Patricio, Smith, Isaac B., Hibbard, Shannon, Andres, Chimira, Bapst, Jonathan, Bramson, Ali M., Buhler, Peter B., Coronato, Andrea, Diniega, Serina, Emmett, Jeremy, Grau Galofre, Anna, Herny, Clémence, Kahre, Melinda, Paul Knightly, J., Nerozzi, Stefano, Pascuzzo, Alyssa, Portyankina, Ganna, Rabassa, Jorge, Tamppari, Leslie K., Titus, Timothy N., Whitten, Jennifer, & Yoldi, Zuriñe 2021, The Planetary Science Journal. Past, Present, and Future of Mars Polar Science: Outcomes and Outlook from the 7th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration

Smith, I. B., Lalich, D. E., Rezza, C., Horgan, B. H. N., Whitten, J. L., Nerozzi, S., & Holt, J. W. 2021, Geophysical Research Letters. A Solid Interpretation of Bright Radar Reflectors Under the Mars South Polar Ice

Moore, Kimberly, Courville, Samuel, Ferguson, Sierra, Schoenfeld, Ashley, Llera, Kristie, Agrawal, Rachana, Brack, Daniel, Buhler, Peter, Connour, Kyle, Czaplinski, Ellen, DeLuca, Michael, Deutsch, Ariel, Hammond, Noah, Kuettel, Donald, Marusiak, Angela, Nerozzi, Stefano, Stuart, Jeffrey, Tarnas, Jesse, Thelen, Alexander, Castillo-Rogez, Julie, Smythe, William, Landau, Damon, Mitchell, Karl, & Budney, Charles 2021, Planetary and Space Science. Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object

Ojha, Lujendra, Karimi, Saman, Buffo, Jacob, Nerozzi, Stefano, Holt, John W., Smrekar, Sue, & Chevrier, Vincent 2021, Geophysical Research Letters. Martian Mantle Heat Flow Estimate From the Lack of Lithospheric Flexure in the South Pole of Mars: Implications for Planetary Evolution and Basal Melting

Ojha, Lujendra, Nerozzi, Stefano, & Lewis, Kevin 2019, Geophysical Research Letters. Compositional Constraints on the North Polar Cap of Mars from Gravity and Topography

Nerozzi, S. & Holt, J. W. 2019, Geophysical Research Letters. Buried Ice and Sand Caps at the North Pole of Mars: Revealing a Record of Climate Change in the Cavi Unit With SHARAD

Nerozzi, Stefano 2019, Ph.D. Thesis. Unraveling the morphological and stratigraphic signature of global climate events within the Planum Boreum of Mars

Ongoing - Skype a Scientist 
Zoom calls with middle- and high-school students across the country presenting my personal path to become a scientist and overview of my research work.

Spring 2021 - Science mentor for 6th grade students at Sahuarita Middle School (AZ)
Weekly mentorship of 6th grade students in a science project involving the design of a habitable planet. Gave presentation on the main drivers of inner Solar System planetary evolution (e.g., habitable zone, magnetic field, plate tectonics and volcanism, biosphere).

Fall 2016 to Spring 2017 - AP Research Project Mentor
AP Research project by H. Kansara at Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, TX. Research topic: How Would Terraforming Mars Question Society’s Morals according to the Utilitarian Approach?

Feb 2018 - UT Science Olympiad Regional Tournament
Prepared a test on Remote Sensing and Meteorology and served as a proctor for the regional tournament at UT Austin.


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Courses taught outside PTYS

GEOS322 Introduction to Geophysics (Fall 2023)

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