PTYS/LPL Alumni Directory
PTYS majors or other majors with PTYS faculty as dissertation chair. Help us keep this list up-to-date; email updates to:
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Lastname, Firstname | Degree | Year | Advisor(s) | Dissertation/Thesis | Current Position | Current Institution |
Cambioni, Saverio | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Asphaug | On the Application of Machine Learning to Planetary Sciences | Postdoctoral Research Associate | MIT, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences |
Campins, Humberto | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Rieke | Infrared Observations of Cometary Solids | Professor, Physics and Astronomy | University of Central Florida |
Campins, Humberto | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Rieke | Professor, Physics and Astronomy | University of Central Florida | |
Carver, Diana | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Melosh | Viscous Relaxation of Craters on Enceladus | Assistant Professor of Clinical | Vanderbilt University |
Chabot, Nancy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1999 | Drake | Geochemical Studies of the Cores of Terrestrial Planetary Bodies | Planetary Scientist | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Chamberlain, Matthew | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Boynton | Response of Martian Ground Ice to Orbit-Induced Climate Change | Scientific Programmer | CSIRO Decadal Climate Forecasting, Oceans and Atmosphere |
Chen, Xiaohang | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Giacalone | Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Curved and Evolving … | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering |
Choi, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Showman | The Meteorology of Giant Planets Revealed Through Automated Cloud Feature Track… | Senior Data Engineer | Night Shift Development, Inc. |
Chollet, Eileen | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Giacalone | Solar Energetic Particles as a Probe of the Inner Heliosphere | Research Scientist | CNA Analysis & Solutions |
Ciesla, Fred | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2003 | Hood | The Physics and Chemistry of Solar Nebula Shock Waves: Applications to Chondrul… | Professor, Dept. of Geophysics | University of Chicago |
Clark, Richard | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Melosh | The Detectability of Lunar Impacts in the Near Infrared | Scientific Programmer | National Solar Observatory GONG Project |
Clements, Arthur | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1974 | Tomasko | Cloud Structure in the South Tropical Zone, Red Spot, and the North Polar Regio… | ||
Coffeen, David | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1968 | Gehrels | A Polarimetric Study of the Atmosphere of Venus | TESSERACT | |
Cohen, Barbara | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Swindle | Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Clasts | Planetary Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Consolmagno, Guy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1978 | Jokipii | Electromagnetic Processes in the Evolution of the Solar Nebula | Director | Vatican Observatory, Tucson & Rome |
Cooper, Curtis | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Showman | Meteorologies of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets | Software Engineer | Stellar Science (Albuquerque) |
Cordell, Bruce | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1977 | Strom | Tectonism and the Interior of Mercury | Educator, Consultant | |
Cruikshank, Dale | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1968 | Titley, Kuiper | Infrared Colorimetry of the Moon | Professor, Dept. of Physics | University of Central Florida |
Crumpler, Larry | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1983 | Strom | Io: Models of Volcanism and Interior Structure | Research Curator, Volcanology and Space Science | New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science |
Cui, Jun | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2008 | Yelle | Analysis of Titan's Neutral Upper Atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spec… | Professor | School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University |
Cunningham, Cindy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Hunten | Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of the Jovian Atmosphere | ||
Cyr, Kimberly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Lunine | The Distribution of Water in the Solar Nebula: Implications for Solar System Fo… |