PTYS/LPL Alumni Directory

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Lastname, Firstname Degree Year Advisor(s) Dissertation/Thesis Current Position Current Institution
Cambioni, Saverio Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2020 Asphaug On the Application of Machine Learning to Planetary Sciences Postdoctoral Research Associate MIT, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Campins, Humberto Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1982 Rieke Infrared Observations of Cometary Solids Professor, Physics and Astronomy University of Central Florida
Campins, Humberto M.S. Planetary Sciences 1982 Rieke Professor, Physics and Astronomy University of Central Florida
Carver, Diana M.S. Planetary Sciences 2008 Melosh Viscous Relaxation of Craters on Enceladus Assistant Professor of Clinical Vanderbilt University
Chabot, Nancy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1999 Drake Geochemical Studies of the Cores of Terrestrial Planetary Bodies Planetary Scientist Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Chamberlain, Matthew Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Boynton Response of Martian Ground Ice to Orbit-Induced Climate Change Scientific Programmer CSIRO Decadal Climate Forecasting, Oceans and Atmosphere
Chen, Xiaohang Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2023 Giacalone Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Curved and Evolving … Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Choi, David Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2009 Showman The Meteorology of Giant Planets Revealed Through Automated Cloud Feature Track… Senior Data Engineer Night Shift Development, Inc.
Chollet, Eileen Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2008 Giacalone Solar Energetic Particles as a Probe of the Inner Heliosphere Research Scientist CNA Analysis & Solutions
Ciesla, Fred Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2003 Hood The Physics and Chemistry of Solar Nebula Shock Waves: Applications to Chondrul… Professor, Dept. of Geophysics University of Chicago
Clark, Richard M.S. Planetary Sciences 1996 Melosh The Detectability of Lunar Impacts in the Near Infrared Scientific Programmer National Solar Observatory GONG Project
Clements, Arthur Ph.D. Astronomy 1974 Tomasko Cloud Structure in the South Tropical Zone, Red Spot, and the North Polar Regio…
Coffeen, David Ph.D. Astronomy 1968 Gehrels A Polarimetric Study of the Atmosphere of Venus TESSERACT
Cohen, Barbara Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2000 Swindle Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Clasts Planetary Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Consolmagno, Guy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1978 Jokipii Electromagnetic Processes in the Evolution of the Solar Nebula Director Vatican Observatory, Tucson & Rome
Cooper, Curtis Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 2006 Showman Meteorologies of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets Software Engineer Stellar Science (Albuquerque)
Cordell, Bruce Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1977 Strom Tectonism and the Interior of Mercury Educator, Consultant
Cruikshank, Dale Ph.D. Geosciences 1968 Titley, Kuiper Infrared Colorimetry of the Moon Professor, Dept. of Physics University of Central Florida
Crumpler, Larry Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1983 Strom Io: Models of Volcanism and Interior Structure Research Curator, Volcanology and Space Science New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
Cui, Jun Ph.D. Astronomy 2008 Yelle Analysis of Titan's Neutral Upper Atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spec… Professor School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University
Cunningham, Cindy Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1987 Hunten Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of the Jovian Atmosphere
Cyr, Kimberly Ph.D. Planetary Sciences 1998 Lunine The Distribution of Water in the Solar Nebula: Implications for Solar System Fo…